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NetLetter #1424 | October 26, 2019 |
Hawker Siddeley Hawk T1A Royal Air Force "Red Arrows"
Photo by Laurent Errera
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the NetLetter, an Aviation based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CP Air, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.
The NetLetter is published on the second and fourth weekend of each month. If you are interested in Canadian Aviation History, and vintage aviation photos, especially as it relates to Trans-Canada Air Lines, Air Canada, Canadian Airlines International and their constituent airlines, then we're sure you'll enjoy this newsletter.
Our website is located at www.thenetletter.net Please click the links below to visit our NetLetter Archives and for more info about the NetLetter.
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NetLetter News
We have welcomed 187 new subscribers so far in 2019.
We wish to thank everyone for your support of our efforts.
We always welcome feedback from our subscribers who wish to share their memories and photographs.
Particularly if you have stories to share from one of the legacy airlines: Canadian Airlines, CP Air, Pacific Western, Eastern Provincial, Wardair, Nordair and many more.
Please feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Coming Events

Sally DeMendonca has sent us this information of an ACRA event at Heathrow (LHR) -
ACRA Christmas Dinner and Dance (Join a Party) Friday, December 20, 2019 Marriott London Heathrow Hotel, Bath Road, Hayes, UB3 5AN Time: 1900 hrs – 0100 hrs Rate: ACRA members: GBP 40.00 ACRA guests: GBP 49.00
Telephone +44 (0) 20 8917 2291
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Reader's Feedback
Ray Field sent this information with regard to the articles on the name change from Trans-Canada Air Lines to Air Canada -
Some-time between the end of May 1959 and September 1960, there was a Viscount in the 'C' Check bay (was it 'C' Check in those days?) in Winnipeg that was painted with “Air Canada”.
In place of the normal, for that time, livery. I can remember strong denials at the time. The aircraft was repainted in Trans-Canada Air Lines scheme before it left the hangar.
Ray Field, Victoria BC
Reader Submitted Photos
Clare Ash, retired CP Air Sales Promotion Manager, Eastern Canada has sent us this photo of the Ottawa (YOW), Dorval (YUL) and Toronto (YYZ) Canadian Airlines International Retired Employees (CAIRE) meeting at Kingston.
No date provided nor identifications - anyone? - eds) |
Women in Aviation
Convincing more women to pursue careers as pilots would help ease a supply crunch that could soon threaten even the largest airlines in the US, two pilot-workforce experts said.
“Half of the US population is essentially not participating in this pipeline,” Michael McGee, a senior policy researcher with RAND, said during the Southwest Airlines Pilots Association International Conference of Pilot Unions.
(Source: Aviationweek.com , October 2, 2019
Star Alliance News
To show how crazy Air New Zealand are about their rugby team in the World Rugby Tournament in Japan 2019, they have changed their name to Air All Blacks (temporarily of course).
(Source: www.airnewzealand.ca/safety-videos) |
Ocean Air Linhas Aéreas S/A, formerly doing business as Avianca Brasil, formally left the Star Alliance with effect from September 1, 2019.
Additional Info: www.staralliance.com
Insolvent Slovenian carrier Adria Airways left Star Alliance as of October 2, 2019 becoming the second member airline in a month to leave the alliance because of bankruptcy.
Additional info: www.staralliance.com
TCA/AC People Gallery
1988 - April 3 –
Non-stop service by AirBC between Victoria and Calgary commenced with the flight continuing to Saskatoon and Winnipeg.
Air Canada NAVI magazine series was launched in March 2017.
Here we have the Fall 2018 cover and the crew below:
Meaghan Mrocek-Porato, Makiesha Thomas, Maria Scafo, Andrea Jaikaran, Scott O'Leary, Alexandra Ekiert, Sabrina Scott, Mark Nasr, Katelyn Risi and Carlier Morejon Amat.
Continuing the Time Travel: 75 Years in Events. Started in NetLetter #1419.
1947 - Frozen meals take off.
When the new fleet of TCA North Stars arrived in 1947, these heated, pressurized aircraft came equipped with high-speed ovens that could heat frozen foods.
TCA is the first company in Canada to introduce full meals that are flash-frozen, a process invented by Clarence Birdseye, who was inspired after learning how to ice-fish with the Inuit in Labrador.
As TCA stewardess Anne McAllister said at the time, “I defy you to tell the difference between these meals and the ones prepared in your own kitchen.”
Inaugurating service to Chicago.
The North Star was christened on July 1, 1947. The aircraft’s increased power and passenger comfort opened the gates for Canada–U.S. routes to Cleveland, Seattle, Boston and Duluth, Minnesota.
Before the first flight to the Windy City, Commander C.P. Edwards, O.B.E., Deputy of Transport, addressed the crew:
“You will be flying the old Chicago Trail. It was made famous by the covered wagons and their oxen. Then it took days to make the trip from Detroit. After the railways came, the trip was made in some 10 hours. Now the aircraft are flying over this historic trail and you will make the same trip in a couple of hours.”
(Source: http://moments.aircanada.com/timeline)
(More next NetLetter issue– eds)
Found in the "Horizons" magazine issue dated June 1987. |
At the conclusion of the 9th Pionairs AGM in 1986, Ray White, Pionairs Treasurer - 1987 to 1989, penned the poem below:
The Pionairs have wrapped up "Number Nine" By marking half a century for our Line. From my vantage point up front, I scanned each face: Ten thousand years' experience in this place! Someone from every airline trade is here To join with friends from almost everywhere, And celebrate careers with no regret And past unpleasant things we all forget. Looking out, and seeing folks I knew.
I thought of how each one had marked my life. Of hundred met, I've liked all but a few, And from the lot, years by, I found my wife! At any time, had fate changed my career, Some other person would be sitting here. How seldom do we stop and realize The way we influence each other’s' lives?
In early years, we were so very few, Each one around the Base you really knew, - Mechanics, clerks, dispatchers, those that flew, Collyer, Larson, English were the glue That held it all together in those years, And formed our Airline out of sweat and tears, A minute's silence, when each stood alone, To think of friends with names engraved in stone. Some lost their lives in aeroplanes, - Others through illness or old age, But each a special contribution made, And in our history, overflows a page.
You think, - "Did I come close to my potential?" The answer is - "It is not real essential." According to our talent, each one gives A touch of color to the scene we make, When we retire, the picture really lives And all who view it, - satisfaction take, For those of you who still have years to go, We hope you fill our planes with happy fares, We'll watch and see the airline grow and grow, And eventually see you join the Pionairs!
We are a part of a very special nation That long has lead in the field of aviation, And even though the "Pionairs" are retired, Whenever they get together they're inspired To talk of planes and jobs and times gone by, While wives stand back resignedly, and try, With other wives, to find some common ground That deals with a world with no airplanes around!
It’s a happy group of people that I've seen. The reason is very simple - just because It is better to be an Air Canada "Has Been". Than for you to be just another "Never Was"!
Yarmouth station closes.
Air Nova has been granted permission by the Canadian Transport Commission (CTC) to operate service between Yarmouth - Boston, Moncton - Boston (via Yarmouth) and Saint John - Halifax, effective August 1. 1987.
Air Canada has filed an application with the CTC requesting the right to terminate services between Yarmouth and Boston, the net effect being the closure of our Yarmouth station.
The company has had full and open discussions with the staff in Yarmouth. Eight employees accepted positions in Halifax, one went to Charlottetown, two retired and one resigned.
The regional airline, which is an Air Canada connector carrier in Atlantic Canada, uses propeller driven Dash 8 aircraft which have a 37-seat capacity.
Issue dated September 1987.
All the festivities of Air Canada's golden jubilee are but memories now and the company honored some of the employees who helped to make the 50th anniversary celebrations a success.
At the Printing Bureau are back row from the left:
Edward Thurston, David Burns, Gordie Bonner, Mike Robinson, Piedro Ferreira, Ralph Beffert, Roy Cadden, Ed Brochu, Moreau Forcucci, Don Lowe and Angie Stevens.
In front with President Pierre Jeanniot are, Brenda Bartram, Carie Lennon, Merv Hernandez, Rena Brunelle, Monique Stonehouse and Josephine Farkas.
A few YUL Cafeteria employees are shown with the President.
From the left: Bob Cleroux, Jeanniot, Angele Seguinot, Nicole Scott, Derrick Murphy, Heidi Frauenhoff, Darren Deshover, Felice Smeets, Gusset Morrison, Marc Boudreau, Gary Ainscow, Paul Klein, Alex Gal and David Nisbet.
At the YUL Paint Shop are, from the left: D.G. Poirier, Gerard Dupont, Tina Schneider, Jeanniot, Ted Mainprize, Raymond Crawford, Daniel Lortie and John Phalz. |
The 1988 Annual General Meeting for the National Pionairs was held in Anaheim, California from May 19 to 22, 1988.
Officials for that year are:
Stefanie Mandzie, Winnipeg District Director; Georgina Stevens, Secretary; Kay Napolitano, Toronto Director; Martin Betts, Pension Representative; Ken Esselmont, Treasurer; Frank Dunlop, immediate past President; Art Scott, Ottawa; Director; George Daman, Montreal; Tony Nuttall, London, Ontario; Gerry Chaffey, Edmonton; Gord Saunders, Calgary; Mike Lewicki, President; Jack Charles, First Vice-President; Jack Motyer, Second Vice President and Doug Armitage, Vancouver.
Missing from the picture are John Innes, Victoria who was away when the photograph was taken and Tony Bruneau, Halifax, who was unable to attend due to illness.
(Sadly the accompanying photo was of such poor quality - eds)
CP Air, Canadi>n People Gallery
Tribute to Former CP Air & Canadian Airlines Employees. A 4.45 minute YouTube slideshow.
CAIL passengers butt out.
Canadian Airlines International has announced a non-smoking program on all 66 of its fleet of B-737 aircraft operating scheduled flights in North America.
The decision, which comes four months after the company publically expressed opposition to forcing in-flight smokers to butt out, affects 99% of scheduled services in North America.
(Source: AC "Horizons" magazine issue September 1987).
Early 1947/8 CPA Information - Leg-up for Freighters.
The Bristol Freighter G-AGVC, which made a tour of the Americas in 1946, went straight into service with Canadian Pacific Airlines at the end of the tour. During the hard winter it was landing on the frozen Knob Lake, Labrador, in a blizzard and damaged an undercarriage leg.
A transatlantic telephone call to Bristol’s followed, and a new leg was sent off to Heathrow over ice-bound roads. There the leg was put onboard a Trans-Canada aircraft, flown to Montreal, transferred to another aircraft which took it to Knob Lake, where it was fitted to the Freighter by mechanics working all night. The next day it was flown off the lake ice.
(Source:flightglobal.com/pdfarchive/view/1947/1947 - 0520.html)
Canadian Pacific Airlines have purchased a fleet of Canadair Four aircraft to operate on the company's new trans-Pacific services.
Operations over the North Pacific to Tokyo and Shanghai, and through the South Pacific to Australia via Hawaii, are also contemplated. The initial order is for four aircraft and spare parts, deliveries of which are scheduled to commence early in 1949.
(Source: flightglobal.com/pdfarchive/view/1948/1948 - 1255.html)
Odds and Ends
The start of the jet-age.
The DH106 Comet, which would go on to usher in the jet age in May 1952 with BOAC, had been developed under a cloak of secrecy by de Havilland at Hatfield.
After several test runs on the Hatfield airfield during July 27, 1949, it took to the skies.
(Source: wikipedia.org) |
The first international scheduled air service.
On August 25, 1919, a small British built biplane took off from the Hounslow Heathland to LeBourget, Paris.
The first (daily) scheduled London - Paris Air Service was organised by Aircraft Transport and Travel, Ltd. A two-seat Airco DH4A biplane (G-EAJC) set out from Hounslow Heath Aerodrome. AT&T was founded in October 1916 approximately.
(Source: everything.explained.today/Airco_DH.4) |
UK launches project to electrify Islander for short-hop routes.
A project to convert the nine-passenger Britten-Norman Islander to hybrid-electric propulsion for short-haul flights has kicked off in the UK. Project Fresson is led by Cranfield Aerospace Solutions (CAeS), which plans to obtain and market a supplemental type certificate (STC) for the conversion.
(Source: Air Transport Digest, October 3, 2019) |
CEO: Air France can learn from KLM’s efficiency.
The Air France - KLM Group has seen a major improvement in operations since reaching labour stability, CEO Ben Smith said during a press conference in Amsterdam.
However, Smith told ATW that "Air France is not the most efficient main carrier in Europe and there is a lot of room to improve."
(Source: Air Transport Digest )
Wayne's Wings
Royal Air Force Red Arrows
In NetLetter #1420 we had an item in the 'Coming Events' section regarding the Royal Air Force Red Arrows visit to North America in September.
I came across an excellent video posted on YouTube channel 'Ernest Gutschik Aviation' of the team's overnight stopover in Toronto before departing for CFB Bagotville and Goose Bay before heading back across the Atlantic.
Additional reference:
History of the RAF Red Arrows at Wikipedia.
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips
Terry Baker, co-founder of the NetLetter scours the internet for aviation related Trivia and Travel Tips for you, our readers, to peruse.
Sunny winter interline event in the Holy Land
December 4 to 11, 2019
The Interline Club of Israel is pleased to invite all Interline club members to visit Israel in winter time. Stay and visit Jerusalem Old & New city, Dead Sea, Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee, Haifa, Acre & many other sites.
Rates in US $: Per person in a double/twin room: $1159.00 Single Supplement: $590.00 Extra night in twin/double per person: $105.00, Single Room $188.00 HB basis.
WACA fee per person: $20.00
(Source: events on www.waca.org)
Lavatory Mods Focusing On Tighter, Brighter Spaces.
As carriers shrink lavatories to add extra seats, lighting solutions are being developed to counteract claustrophobic feelings.
(Source: MRO Digest, October 2, 2019)
(Note: Presently the only cabin with the most seating space is in here! – eds) |
Steve Charlton has sent us this cartoon.
Terry Baker |the late Alan Rust | Wayne Albertson
NetLetter Staff - 2016
(you can read our bios at www.thenetletter.net/history)
We wish to thank Ken Pickford and Bob Sheppard
for contributing their time to proofread each edition.
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Disclaimer: Please note that the NetLetter does not necessarily endorse any airline related or other "deals" that we provide for our readers. We would be interested in any feedback (good or bad) when using these companies though and will report the results here. We do not (normally) receive any compensation from any companies that we post in our newsletters. If we do receive a donation or other compensation, it will be indicated as a sponsored article or link.