Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

The NetLetter #1248

The NetLetter

For Air Canada Retirees
(Part of the ACFamily Network)


April 1, 2013 - Issue 1238
First Issue published in October 1995!
(over 5,400 subscribers)
In This Issue
Star Alliance News
Reader Submitted...Photos
TCA/Air Canada People Gallery
Alan's Space
Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc
Reader's Feedback
Odds and Ends
Terry's Trivia
NetLetter Past Issues

Past Issues
Web Site Information

The NetLetter Web Site
Donation Information

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#800 - 15355 24th Ave, Suite 523
Surrey, BC V4A 2H9

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Terry Baker
Welcome to the NetLetter!

We welcome you to allow the NetLetter to be your platform, and opportunity to relive your history while working for either TCA, AC, CPAir, CAIL, PWA, AirBC, Wardair, etal and share your experiences with us!

Terry Baker and the NetLetter Team

Air Canada Employee Travel News
For those of you that receive the NetLetter and are also Air Canada retirees (most are), the new information for Go AC, Go AC Family and Go AC Specials has now been placed on the ETS website.

If you are an Air Canada retiree we suggest that you contact (or join) the Pionairs at: www.pionairs.ca for any questions regarding access to the ETS website or questions about the new plan.

Star Alliance News
Star AllianceTAM (Transportes Aéreos Regionais) will leave Star Alliance in mid-2014. TAM, as part of their merger with LAN, will leave Star Alliance in the second quarter of next year, and join the Oneworld Alliance, of which LAN is a member. The departure of TAM was expected.

Reader Submitted Photos - Compiled by Terry Baker

Readers PhotosReader Submitted Photos -  The photos and information below have been submitted to us by our faithful readers.  

Robert Arnold has sent us several photos of various Vickers Viscounts in production and destined for Trans-Canada Air Lines. CF-TID c/n 384 was delivered new to Trans-Canada Air Lines March 8, 1959 as fleet number '648'. The photo was taken at Hurn, Bournemouth, Dorset, England on November 24, 1958 while on the production line during a visit by TCA representatives who were checking on the progress of a number of their Viscount aircraft under construction at the time. (TCA/Air Canada Viscount Blueprint Archives are now administered by Robert W. Arnold)  

TCA/Air Canada People Gallery - Compiled by Terry Baker
TCA/Air Canada  LogoBelow we have musings from the "Between Ourselves" and "Horizons" magazine, Air Canada publications from years gone by, as well as various in-house publications.

The NetLetter has been fortunate enough to have our readers donate vintage Trans-Canada Air Lines and Air Canada publications from as far back as 1941 to share with you. These have been scanned and are being prepared for presenting in a special area of the ACFamily Network for archival and genealogy research.

Issue dated - March 1947
Some items gleaned from the "Between Ourselves" magazines.
A year by year history of TCA for its second three years -
  • 1940   By mid-year, passengers were climbing aboard TCA aircraft at Moncton, and were traveling between Toronto, London and Windsor. Mail and express were carried between the latter three cities, Moncton had air mail service.

    On the transcontinental route, a second daily flight was inaugurated. Another daily trip was added to the Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal service.

    The Vice-President's office and Traffic headquarters were moved to Winnipeg from Montreal. Winnipeg shops were extended to provide facilities for the repair of instruments for military aircraft.
  • 1941   In April, TCA routes extended to Halifax.
    In May, New York became a regular port-of-call for aircraft wearing the big red maple leaf.

    The Vancouver - Seattle service was discontinued.

    Hangar construction was completed at  Montreal's new Dorval airport. Activity intensified at Toronto and Winnipeg where further extensions were made to shops and facilities.

    TCA undertook the maintenance and overhaul of BOAC's aircraft used on the Atlantic return ferry service.

    The fleet expanded again with the purchase of six, fourteen passenger Lockheed Lodestars. 
  • 1942 In May, Sydney, N.S. and St. John's Newfoundland were added  to TCA's schedules.

    The Company acquired six more Lodestars, swelling the fleet to twenty-four aircraft.

    The 850 horsepower Hornet engines in the Lockheed 14's were replaced by bigger, twin-row Wasp engines of 1,200 horsepower.

    Passenger load factors reached a new high. Record loads of mail and express were carried. TCA was now flying 8,250,000 miles a year.

    At Winnipeg the Company took over the new engine shop erected by the Department of Monition and Supply for overhauling military equipment. 
(Being continued in NetLetter nr 1249 - eds)
Issue dated - February 1977
Unearthed from the "Horizons" magazine -
Seen here in this photo from the left are: Station Agent Joe Wojtczak, Jocelyne Dumont-Jerome, Station Agent Michel Gauthier and Roger Alain.
Issue dated - December 1971
Extracted from the "FYI - a newsletter by and for US Air Canada employees" magazine -
Earlier in 1971, Chicago celebrated 25 years of flying between Canada and Chicago. In recognition of this event, Mayor Daley presented our Vice President, Pat Labrie, with a plaque in honor of the occasion.

Shown in the picture at one of the informal receptions are members of the Chicago staff and Billie Houseman, left, who was Chief Stewardess and was on our inaugural flight in 1946 and Gerry Gray, 2nd from right, who was District Manager in Chicago at the time. Also pictured are Dorothy Mason, Marie Pope, Don Browner, Valerie Manos and Rita Harrigan. Valerie's mother baked the beautiful cake in Air Canada's honour.

 (Does anyone know what happened to the plaque presented? - eds)

When the secretarial staff in the New York Office flew to Montreal on a familiarization trip, they visited Company Headquarters and the impressive maintenance base at Dorval. Shown in the picture standing left to right: Ian Buchanan, their host from PVM, Gordon Relfsnlder, Marge Brunjes, Sharon Bradlclch, Anne Timko, Yvonne Gregoire, and Kevin Carey who arranged the tour. Seated are: Doris de La Rosa, Maryann Rosamilia, Chris Manks, Elena Percopo and on the steps, Rhanda Spotton.

CLEVELAND - Cleveland office celebrated 25 years of air service by the Company and this was the first non-stop scheduled air service from a foreign country to the Cleveland community. Many functions were held to honour the day and shown are members of the Cleveland staff who participated in the festivities.

Left to right: Jim Gedra, Jim Oprey, Linda Whaley, Frank Andreas, W. M. Stainton, Ramsay McGregor, Bob Sedlack, Sernie Diablo, Cheryl Grealls and Angus May. Seated are Lori Frowers and Ann Gates.

MINNEAPOLIS - In 1971, the new Radisson South Hotel dedicated their futuristic roof-top lounge, Mr. C's, to the airline industry and Air Canada presented Bill Brose, the Hotel Manager, with a plaque in commemoration of the occasion. Shown is Lorne Timbers, Air Canada Sales Manager and his assistant, Pat Garvey, making the presentation.

Alan's Space - by Alan Rust
Alan's Space
Google announced a new feature today that should interest our readers. For those that worked in aviation, smells played a large role; jet fuel, galley meals, stewardess perfume, etc.

Now you can bring these long forgotten aromas into your home. Check out the information below from Google, just released today! 

Google Nose 

Click on image below for complete information. 

Camp Fire  

Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc. People & Events
- Compiled by Terry Baker
CAIL TailsNews and articles from days gone by gleaned from various publications from C.A.I.L. and its "ancestry" of contributing airlines.
Route development:
1949 - July - First scheduled trans-Pacific flight of Canadian Pacific Airlines made from Vancouver to Sydney to mark the start of the company's international operations.

1949 - September - Scheduled service inaugurated to Tokyo and Hong Kong.

1951 - December service inaugurated to Auckland.  
Issue dated - September 1988
Items from the "Info Canad>n" magazine -
Canadian employees in St. John's NFLD raised $1,000 in pledges for charity when they participated in the annual Labatts 24-hour Relay held in their city. From left, Jean Hayes and Anne Hawco, passenger agents; Debbie Bastow, senior secretary; Marie White, passenger agent; Doreen Mahon, passenger agent (cargo); and Gerard Hayes, passenger agent. Unavailable for the photo were Heather Legge, passenger agent; Gary Ready, district sales manager, Newfoundland, Labrador and St. John's; and Dave James, airport services supervisor.

Muscling in on Chicago service between Toronto and Chicago will start  March 1, 1989, the company announced, with three flights daily each way. Federal government approval to operate on the route had been granted Sept. 1, 1988. The company has had an off-line office in Chicago for many years, and the staff dressed "old-Chicago style" especially for "Info Canadian" magazine  to illustrate Canadian's thrust into their highly competitive market. In the photo from left: Darlene Hart, passenger agent; Richard Benedetti, sales manager, Central U.S.; Lee Lablaiks, passenger agent; Kathy Lafferty- Quinn, sales representative; and Ernie Dovalis, clerk at Chicago's Midway Airport.

Reader's Feedback - Compiled by Terry Baker
Reader's Feedback
Every week we ask our readers for their stories or feedback on what they have read here in previous issues. Below is the feedback we have received recently.
Karen Fulcher sends this referring to NetLetter nr 1247 Smiley -
Just loved the picture of the stretch DC8 in the Smiley's section. I still think that is the most elegant of aircraft in the sky - sleek and sexy!! Karin

Bernie McCormack send us this comment regarding the photo which accompanied the article on the B747 into the Caribbean in NetLetter nr 1245 - I don't think that is Capt. Milburn in the picture. It must be the First Officer, however, I have sent a story regarding a flight Frank and I did together quite a few years back.

Runway 25/26
Captain Frank Milburn and I had started in Winnipeg in the very early hours of the morning flying our North Star to Calgary and then on to Vancouver. The Vancouver forecast was for clear skies throughout the day but contained a risk of fog coming in from the straits in the early morning. When we got in range of our destination and could hear the radio communication regarding the weather in the Vancouver area, it became evident that the airport was covered in a shallow layer of fog and that most of the inbound flights were diverting to the Abbotsford airport, away from the fog about 30 miles inland. We used the other VHF radio to have a conversation with our dispatch people and determined that the fog was beginning to "burn" off. The smaller, slower aircraft were sporadically able to see the end of runway 26 and land. When our turn came to make an approach we descended in clear skies down to limits (300 ft. above ground). The fog was still below us although we could see bits of the airport/runway environment just before the runway. We applied engine power and took the aircraft up and out over the water of the straits and requested a clearance from departure control for a hold in the immediate area, hoping the fog would continue to burn of, exposing the runway. That was not to be however and after holding for about 30 minutes we requested a clearance and proceeded to Abbotsford. While on route we heard an overseas inbound Britannia aircraft had landed in Vancouver. After our landing in Abbotsford we walked over to the administration building and prepared to join the pilots of a DC-8 flight for our limousine ride to Vancouver.
I was in very good spirits. It was a lovely day, we had given it our best shot at landing earlier, and I truly enjoyed flying the North Star, especially working with Frank, a great guy. We settled into the limousine, began our drive home, and partly because the other crew seemed so quiet and also because the world felt so rosy to me I started a conversation. I commented on the weather, how we had remained in the area hoping it would improve, how our company DC-3s were able to land and the bigger faster aircraft were not, and how the crew of the Britannia had landed and would have been scrambling for an alibi if they had so much as blown a tire landing in below limits weather. I was speaking only to Frank it seemed. The others sat in almost sullen silence and made no comments. I assumed it was because of fatigue. They had begun their flight in Toronto and lived in a time zone three hours later than ours. The remainder of the drive was in near silence. We arrived finally at our home office, filed our flight plan and departed for home.
The next day many unasked questions were answered for me with the arrival of the newspaper. A DC-8 had attempted a landing in the fog during the time we were in the area and had actually touched down and then leaped back into the air for a missed approach. The runway that had been "kissed" was 25 and the new one that was right beside it was 26. Runway 25 had been closed for many months and had heavy equipment on it and an open ditch across it about two thousand feet along from the touchdown. The S/O had recognized the error just as the aircraft was touching down and had shouted "wrong runway, wrong runway". A credit to the pilots was the fact that they immediately selected full power and "jumped" over the lethal barrier ahead. So now I knew why they were not amused by my "what if" scenario regarding the naughty Britannia. I was more careful in my choice of conversation with unfamiliar crews during future encounters. Bernie McCormack

Referring to the article of the Mosquito in Alan's Space which we had in NetLetter nr 1246, Norman Hogwood in New Zealand sends this:
So pleased to see Alan's video on the Mosquito. If you're looking for a TCA connection, see the photo. I was probably the last to see the Mosquito before she was disassembled, crated and shipped back to her American owner. I phoned the boss of the restoration company and asked if I could pop out for a look and he said OK any day, providing you come around 12 noon as the guys will be on their lunch break. So my wife and I drove out there and we had the Mossie all to ourselves! After our private inspection I asked one of the guys when they would start disassembling her and he said "this afternoon"! How lucky were we?

Odds and Ends.

Image Blank 200pxSometimes we receive articles and information that just doesn't fit in our other areas. This is where it goes!

Frenchman Philippe Jernnard is being held on $1 million bond after being found in the cockpit jump seat of a US Airways flight at Philadelphia International Airport, Wednesday, posing as an Air France pilot. Jernnard was found by the flight's crew at some point during the boarding process. When questioned, he identified himself as a 747 pilot for Air France, according to CBS news. Jernnard held a valid ticket for the flight to West Palm Beach and was wearing a white shirt with an Air France logo and a jacket with epaulets. Jernnard reportedly became irritable when asked for identification and the crew called police to the gate.

On June 2nd 1983, Air Canada DC-9-32 C-FTLU c/n 47196 with 41 passengers and 5 crew departed DFW Dallas/Fort Worth International airport destined to YUL Montreal International airport with an enroute stop at YYZ Toronto International airport.

During the flight, three circuit breakers associated with the aft lavatory's flush motor and located on a panel on the cockpit wall behind the captain's seat, tripped in rapid succession. After identifying the circuit breakers, the captain immediately made several attempts to reset them; the circuit breakers would not reset. A passenger seated in the last row asked a flight attendant to identify a strange odor. The flight attendant thought the odor was coming from the aft lavatory. Flight 797 called the radar high sector controller at Indianapolis Center: "Mayday, Mayday, Mayday.". The aircraft diverted to the Greater Cincinnati airport. Sadly there were fatalities among the passengers.


Gale Drew has sent us this message:
Hello Netletter,
Here is an idea for the NetLetter, similar to the article in the current issue #1246, about Elizabeth Angst (in Odds and Ends) who wrote a book on sailing. I want to read that book, thank you for telling us about it. Here is a new story of an employee's ventures after retirement. This book author was a wonderful flight attendant that many passengers asked for by name as they entered the aircraft cabin, hoping she'd be working their flight, I think she deserves a mention. Thanks for your consideration, Gale Drew, retired Canadian Airlines Flight Director

Jeanelle Mitchell, a Canadian Airlines flight attendant, always had a real passion for cooking, and flying to the world's distant and varied cultures for 30 years intensified her love of food. Those of us at YYZ base couldn't wait till the next month's newsletter to see her latest recipe.

After retiring Jeanelle published her first cook book, FOR THE LOVE OF SOUP, a very popular book which quickly became a National Bestseller.  Her second book FOR THE LOVE OF SALAD also became a National Bestseller.

It's always exciting to hear what our colleagues are doing these days and wonderful to be able to support their new ventures after retiring, and in this case it's also lovely to remember the old days from snippets of travel throughout the delicious pages of the book.  Proceeds from sales go directly to Jeanelle's nephew, who is the inspiration for it all .... Yves, who was intending to be a chef himself, was instead struck in an accident and lives with severe permanent disabilities, book proceeds help to provide proper housing and sufficient therapy for dignified living. Cookbooks are available through Chapters, Indigo, Amazon, and favourite Cookbook Stores. Both available at Chapters $15.16 each.


Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips - by Terry Baker

Terry Baker

Brian Walsh refers to the information in NetLetter nr 1246 under Terry's Trivia -
I appreciated Paul Gauthier's excellent info on copying documentation for travel.
I'd like to add a few ideas. 

  • I photocopied my passport's face page, then trimmed it, folded it in half and had it laminated. It fits perfectly into my back pocket and I can leave my passport safely locked up in my room safe.
  • On the inside back cover of my actual passport, I have taped a list of my emergency contacts (phone numbers and relationships).
  • In a cell phone address book, many people include a listing called: ICE. It is short for "In Case of Emergency." On that file, you can include a list of people to be called in an emergency. Many paramedics and hospital emergency personnel know about this.

On a related topic, many people are unaware of a non-profit organization (actually started in Canada) called IAMAT. Once you join (donate) you will have access to a list of their approved medical associates in over 90 countries. Check out www.IAMAT.org.
Cheers, Brian Walsh... presently on-the road in China 

The Travel Policies section in ETS has been transferred to the HRConnex, and updated.
Click on acaeronet
log on
click HRConnex
log on
click on "Policies & Information"
Item # 5 will have the travel information.
You will still use ETS web site to check space and book your travel. 

Skypark Toronto Airport Parking
February 8, 2013
Skypark offers Air Canada employees and retirees a special discount on daily and weekly parking rates upon presentation of AC ID. The discount is $1 off daily parking rates and $5 off weekly parking rates. The discount applies to Skypark's coupon rate of $9.95 per day with every 6th and 7th day free, to a monthly maximum of $79.60 plus tax. A 7 day parking coupon rate is $49.75 and a $5 discount would apply to this weekly parking rate, plus tax. 

Recently, Terry, your chief pilot, abandoned a trip due to a medical problem, as mentioned in NetLetter nr 1242. After receiving a complete refund through my insurance, We decided to try again.
Our trip started in Nanaimo for the flight to YVR. The DH-8 was full, in fact a call was made for a volunteer to delay their departure as the flight was oversold by one.


An offer of a guaranteed seat on the next departure included either a $200 certificate towards another flight or a $100.00 cash. While it was a temptation, my wife would not let me take up the offer. While wandering around YVR heading towards the international section, we were approached by a passenger, and we had visions of being accosted by a religious person, but no, he had spare vouchers for the Maple Leaf lounge, due to expire, and offered them to us - great, we spent a happy two hours eating, drinking and reading to while away the time until our flight was called.

Our flight was in the economy section of a B767-300 heading to HNL. The aircraft was probably one of the first B767-300's received as it had a very drab interior. There was no TV screens on the back of the seat in front, nor were they suspended over the aisles, but just a screen on the bulkhead in front of the cabin, which requires 20/20 vision and with no passenger sitting in the row ahead of you. The flight was about 2/3 full and very cold, several around us, including me, had to don a coat or sweater. There is no meal supplied except that which can be purchased from the "On-board cafe". We were under the impression that a 6 hour international flight would have served a meal - ah, gone are the good old days! BUT we did get two visits with the free Tea/Coffee/soft drinks trolley. That helped warm us up, but we missed the small packet of pretzels of yore. Incidentally, our traveling friends flew to HNL on Air Alaska and, although they had to purchase their food, with the free drinks they at least got a package of "Snack Mix".  


on board mix  













The hotel with the package was the Ala Moana, but not particularly friendly probably due to its size. But it was next to the largest outdoor mall, which was convenient as there is a huge food court inside. Transportation from the airport was with Roberts Hawaii and booked on line prior to leaving home. Cost us$13.00 pp one-way.  
Now that it costs $25.00 for each checked bag, the size and weight of the carry-on bag increases exponentially, and takes quite a bit of effort to stuff it into the overhead bins. As those metal size contraptions which were to be used to make sure carry on baggage fits, can be returned to the manufacture for a refund, would help the company's bottom line!
So, when budgeting for your trip, apart from the airfare, include the departure tax, nav fee, fuel tax, gst/hst/pst, on-board food, drinks, checked luggage. At this time, the bathrooms are free! (except on Ryanair).


The local buses are us$2.50 per trip, get a transfer for the return. Bus schedules are erratic due to budget cuts and there is no schedule issued. If your stay is lengthy, and you do not hire a car, then you can get a bus pass for unlimited travel.

Returning from HNL if you are able, get your boarding pass at your hotel or internet cafe as this will substantially cut the stress of waiting in a long line up to check-in at the airport, rather you can proceed directly to a check-in desk,  thus bypassing the long queue of those who do not have their boarding passes. The length of the queue is dependent upon the number of passengers for the flight, and took us an hour to get through as the hotel did not have a kiosk for boarding passes. We had coupons from the weekly "what's on" booklet and got our shuttle to the airport for us$6.95 p.p., with the coupon book at least 24 hours ahead. One of the coupons noted us$6.00 pp for airline employees, but we did not try that shuttle. A notice at the airport security states "Passengers 65 years and over need not remove their shoes or light jackets." 

The return trip, also on a B767-300, was a later version, as the TV's were suspended at intervals over the aisles and was warmer, probably due to the fact the flight was full, the service was just as sparse, but then it was an overnight flight. Passengers arriving at YVR from overseas, are probably aware that the design of the walkways had the airlines in mind, allowing the airline time for the baggage to arrive at the carousels in a timely manner, ready for the exhausted passengers, after their long route march, to collect their luggage.

The new method of using the kiosks to insert your passport and customs declaration certainly cuts down time. You place your passport into the lower opening and hold it down to be scanned, follow instructions on the small screen, then insert your completed customs form to the upper opening and collect the copy produced, then proceed to the baggage area. If you have a connection to make and have check luggage which was booked to your final destination, then, after collecting your luggage, proceed to the rear of carousels nr 25 to go through yet another security check before going to your next departure gate. It would cut down your time and effort if you collect your luggage from the far end of the carousels dispensing the luggage from your flight.

We made the flight back to the Island in good time, and joined just 11 other passengers. Oh the joys of air travel.  

Smileys - Compiled by Terry Baker
As we surf the internet and back issues of airline magazines we regularly find airline related jokes and cartoons. Below is our latest discovery.

Heard on the tower frequency at an airport that will remain undisclosed to protect the innocent:
Cessna 12345:
"Tower can you have regional jet ABC meet us on Unicom frequency for a personal message?"
Jet ABC:
"Tower, tell the Cessna we are a professional crew on a schedule and we don't have time for idle chit chat."
Cessna 12345:
"O.K. Tower, you may want to tell that professional crew they left the landing-gear lock pin in the nose gear. Have a nice day!"  


The NetLetter is an email newsletter published (usually) once a week and contains a mixture of nostalgia, current news and travel tips. We encourage our readers to submit their stories, photos and/or comments from either days gone by or from present day experiences and trips. If we think that the rest of our readers will enjoy it, we will publish it here.

We also welcome your feedback in regard to anything we post here. Many readers have commented with additional information, names and personal memories from the photos and articles presented here.

The NetLetter, which is free, is open to anyone that wishes to subscribe but is targeted to retired employees from Air Canada, Canadian Airlines and all the other companies that were part of what Air Canada is today. Thanks for joining us!

We hope you have enjoyed this issue of the NetLetter, see you next week!  
Your NetLetter Team

Disclaimer: Please note, that neither the NetLetter or the ACFamily Network necessarily endorse any of the airline related or other "deals" that we provide for our readers. We would be interested in any feedback (good or bad) when using these companies though and will report the results here. We do not (normally) receive any compensation from any companies that we post in our newsletters. If we do receive a donation or other compensation, it will be indicated as a sponsored article or link.


E&OE - (errors and omissions excepted) - The historical information as well as any other information provided here is subject to correction and may have changed over time. We do publish corrections when they are brought to our attention.
First published in October, 1995
  • Chief Pilot - Terry Baker, Nanaimo, B.C.
  • Co-pilot - Alan Rust, Surrey, B.C.
  • Flight Engineer - Bill Rowsell, Londesboro, Ontario 
  • Stewardess - Lisa Ruck, Brooklin, Ontario 
To contact us, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

NetLetter Subscription
