Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

The NetLetter #1208

The NetLetter

For Air Canada Retirees
(Part of the ACFamily Network)

June 12, 2012 - Issue 1208

First Issue published in October 1995!
(over 5,400 subscribers)
In This Issue
ACRA Upcoming Events
Our First 75 Years
Air Canada News
Reader Submitted...Photos
TCA/Air Canada People Gallery
Alan's Space
Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc
Reader's Feedback
Odds and Ends
Terry's Trivia
NetLetter Past Issues

Past Issues
Web Site Information

The NetLetter Web Site
Donation Information

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Surrey, BC V4A 2H9

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Terry Baker
Welcome to the NetLetter!

We welcome you to allow the NetLetter to be your platform, and opportunity, to relive your history while working for either TCA, AC, CPAir, CAIL, PWA, AirBC, Wardair. etal. and share your experiences with us!

Terry Baker and the NetLetter Team
ACRA Upcoming Events- Compiled by Alan Rust
ACRA  LogoRetirees Welcome!

The following events are available for retirees through ACRA, the Air Canada Recreation Association.

Ascot day out: (ACRA - UK)
On Tuesday June 19th, ACRA are arranging a day out to the Ascot Races. A coach has been organized, departing from Radius Park at 0930. This event was held last year and proved very popular. The price includes entrance fee, race card, three pints of beer, transportation of rented double decker bus for the day, and lunch. The cost for members (including Pionairs) is £45 and £55 for non-members. If you wish to take part, give Sally de Mendonca a call on 0208 750 8301. (Source: UK Pionairs monthly newsletter issue June 2012) 

Image Blank 200px 
ACRA System Golf turns 50!

Just as Air Canada celebrates its 75 year anniversary this year, the employees who started the Air Canada Recreation Association over 50 years ago are also celebrating with their 50th Anniversary System Golf Tournament!


This is a once-in-a-lifetime milestone event that we hope you can attend.


Date: September 9 - 12, 2012 
San Diego, California

Venue: Sycuan Resort & Casino 


Prizes: To help celebrate this event, Air Canada Vacations has donated a prize of a 7 Night all inclusive package for two to Mexico with Air and Hotel at the Gran Bahia Principe Coba in a Double Occupancy Junior Suite.


For further information and registration visit: www.acra.ca/events/system/golf.html  


Our First 75 Years - Compiled by Terry Baker
1942 - May 1st - The first scheduled flight landed in Newfoundland under
the command of Capt. Trerice and Capt. "Walt" Fowler, with Miss Reid as Stewardess.

int-1973-sept-sked 1973 - Sept 2nd - International sched until October 27th.

- June - Pilot strike costing the company ca$3 million per day.

Air Canada News
Air CanadaThe Canadian Transportation Agency,  on May 22nd 2012, approved the use by Air Canada of aircraft and flight crew provided by Colgan and CommutAir, and the provision by Colgan and CommutAir of such aircraft and flight crew to Air Canada, to permit Air Canada to provide its scheduled international services on licensed routes between Canada and the United States of America by selling transportation in its own name on flights operated by Colgan and CommutAir between Canada and the United States of America, including between points in the United States of America, for an indefinite period from the date of this Decision. (Source: www.cta.gc.ca)

Reader Submitted Photos - Compiled by Terry Baker

Readers PhotosReader Submitted Photos -  The photos and information below have been submitted to us by our faithful readers.  


Image Blank 200px Here are some more photos from the collection of Art Arnold and sent to us by Ray Arnold - This photo was taken in 1947 at an unknown location. L to R: Art Arnold and Gord Saunders.

Image Blank 200px Here we have Art Arnold advertising the Europe 870 service. Can any one identify the people?

Image Blank 200px In this photo we see Art Arnold, on the left,  getting instructions on the manual telephone equipment in the Vancouver Reservations office during the 50's.
Image Blank 200px An unknown group of employees who attended a Management meeting sometime in their careers at Ste Agathe, QC. We do not have any identifications nor a date - anyone?

TCA/Air Canada People Gallery - Compiled by Terry Baker
TCA/Air Canada  LogoBelow we have musings from the "Between Ourselves" and "Horizons" magazine, Air Canada publications from years gone by, as well as various in-house publications.

The NetLetter has been fortunate enough to have our readers donate vintage Trans-Canada Air Lines and Air Canada publications from as far back as 1941 to share with you. These have been scanned and are being prepared for presenting in a special area of the ACFamily Network for archival and genealogy research.
Issue dated - Aug/Sept 1961
Found in "Between Ourselves" magazines -
Five-engined jet liner awes the public at LHR.
This was the headline for the following article - A five-engined aircraft landed at London Airport during the summer and puzzled all aircraft spotters and the public alike who were on the observation decks (Pre 911 of course).

The commentator aroused further interest in the TCA DC-8 making its final approach when he departed from his usual routine flight announcement to make the observations that the jetliner had 3 pods under the port wing and two on the starboard. But the fifth engine was just a spare mounted in a pod on the underside of the wing. The company had decided this way to carry spare engines between Dorval and overseas stations.

Issue dated - December 1994
Found in the "Horizons" magazine -
Image Blank 200px The Comox Valley Pionairs enjoyed a summer picnic at the home of Bev and AI Edward in Courtenay, British Columbia. The sunny day was enjoyed by (back row. left to right) Bill Brown, Bob Climie, Michael Dewdney, Ness Dewdney, Jack Bowen, Murray Phipps, Olive Foulser, Warren Darch, AI Edward, Art Foulser, Pat Owen, Bert Young, Bruce Mutch, Yvette Clark, Len Woodcock, Steve Clark, Eric Van der Holt and Ralph Tisdall; (second row, left to right) Helen Bowen, Lena Darch, Vera Gill, Lone Phipps, Rhona Muir, Joan Van der Holt and Gordon Brady; (front row, left to right) Pat Brown, Heather Tisdall, Jean Climie, Bev Edwards, Kay Mutch and Bill Muir.

Image Blank 200px A hole in one!
Rob Herron, Manager, Quality Management - Advantis (centre) realized a golfer's dream when he aced the 165 yard, 8th hole at the Kahnawake golf course. Golfing pals left to right Dave 0'Neill Manager Marketing Service Moe Dixon, Administration Coordinator - Advantis and Joe Mallory, Director, Information Technology witnessed the rare event. (Having played numerous games of golf with these guys, I realized they had some creative accounting for their scores - I always came last, but good fun - eds)

Around the world in 8 days.
This was the headline in the full page article by Capt. Bob Mayer, a story about the company's first around the world cargo operation.

Flight crews for  CF-TJO fin #815  DC-8
The crews who worked the routing were: Capt. Vern Ehman, F/O J.B. Vestergaard and S/0 Andre Lavigne on the Vancouver - Gander leg; Capt. Rod Smith, F/O Bert Voetmann and S/0 Gregg Bowser on the Gander - Abidjan and Abidjan - Nairobi: Capt. Jean Rooze:  F/O Norm O'Neil and S/O Jim Aylesworth on Abidjan - Lagos - Abidjan; and Capt. Roy Yates, F/O Myron Olson and S/O Craig Smith on Anchorage - Montreal. FlO Andy Barbeau, S/O Hugh Bauchemin and myself (Capt Bob Mayer) had the long haul Montreal - Montreal eastbound, working the Nairobi - Anchorage leg.

Image Blank 200pxHere are some of the crew.

Image Blank 200px In this photo, jeans are being loaded in Hong Kong, destined for Montreal.
worldflight And, of course, the flight plan.
Alan's Space - by Alan Rust
Alan's SpaceIt Happened One Night 

My wife and I like to watch old movies once in a while. One that we watched last week is said to be one of the greatest films of all time, "It Happened One Night" stars Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert,  it was directed by Frank Capra and released on February 23, 1934. It won 5 big Oscars for best film, best director, best actor, best actress, and best script.
So why am I mentioning it here? I like to look for bloopers and goofs in movie making and there is one in the scene with the neat "autogyro" landing in a field. Remember, this was in 1933 when the movie was made. I believe this was a Kellett K-3. You can read more about it here.
The "goof"? when you view the video below, after King Westley lands and taxis in the autogyro, apparently the sole occupant, a man is visible in the cockpit crouching down as King walks around and to the rear of the autogyro.
Old gyro footage
Old gyro footage
Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc. People & Events
- Compiled by Terry Baker
CAIL TailsNews and articles from days gone by gleaned from various publications from C.A.I.L. and it's "ancestry" of contributing airlines.

When the DC-10 aircraft were introduced in 1979, they carried Canadian provincial names to world destinations. C-GCPC fin 901 "Quebec", C-GCPD fin 902 "British Columbia", C-GCPE fin 903 "Ontario" and C-GCPF fin 904 "Alberta".

Issue dated - August 1978
Drawn out of "CP Air News" magazine -
Image Blank 200px A considerable portion of CP Air's sales success during 1977 was attributed to this group of gentlemen in Eastern Canada. Recognized for sales achievement are Rene Syrenne, Ottawa; Mario Rosa, Montreal; Ed Van Oosterhout, Eastern Ontario/Peterborough; Harry Voth, who made the presentation as regional director responsible for the sales managers; Bill Paulsen, Hamilton/Upper New York State; Mike Lemmon, Western Onlario/London; Murray Byrnes. Chicago and Peter Demarco, Northern Ontario/Sudbury.

Image Blank 200px The first ever initial flight attendant training course conducted in Toronto has now 12 graduates operating on the line. At the course's conclusion on Friday, June 30, three went from having this graduation photo taken, to Toronto Airport to work their first official flight. In-Flight Supervisor, Janet Simmons, Toronto and Yvonne Wiley of Training. Vancouver conducted the course. Now flying with spirit are: Back, from left Eligenia Venchiarlitti, Leigh Badgley, Richard Lee, Nancy Kaiser, Melody Renfrew. Front, Lynn Coslett, Elen Douglas, Carol Boddy, Janice Kwak, Colleen Smalley.

Issue dated - August 1976
Non-Stop Record Set YVR to HKG
A new CP Air record for a nonstop flight was made on August 14th, 1976 when Boeing 747 " Empress of Australia" flew from Vancouver to Hong Kong as flight 2401. The 6.865 statute-mile flight took 13 hours, four minutes and carried 23,000 pounds of cargo. Average ground speed was 525 mph with headwinds of 35 mph. Highest altitude attained during the flight was 43,000 feet. Crew members were: Captain J. G.lnnes, F/0 Gerard Even, F/0 D. M. Christensen and S/0 R. A. Davies.

Reader's Feedback - Compiled by Terry Baker
Reader's Feedback
Every week we ask our readers for their stories or feedback on what they have read here in previous issues. Below is the feedback we have received recently.

Image Blank 200px Ken Pickford has done an investigation regarding the article on the hijack we had in NetLetter nr 1205:

In the item on the December 1971 DC-9 hijacking, you say the flight was en route from Thunder Bay to YVR and that the date was December 24, 1971. All related news items say it was December 26, 1971 (Boxing Day) and en route to YYZ, not YVR (don't think there has ever been any direct air service YQT-YVR).
By the way, the hijacker was arrested in 2001, 30 years after the hijacking, working as a teacher in the York City suburb of Mount Vernon. He pleaded guilty to the hijacking and was extradited to Canada and sentenced to 5 years in prison, but only served one year before being released and deported back to the U.S. Links to a few of the many related news items below. The first item was written after the death of the flight's Captain in 2008. It refers to the flight as flight 932 from YQT to YYZ.




In a strange coincidence, he was charged with the hijacking on September 10, 2011, one day before the 9/11 terrorist hijackings and related attacks (note the September 11, 2001 date of the NY Times news item above.) He'd been arrested a couple of days earlier. He was also wanted for a couple of U.S. offenses dating back many years but the statute of limitations on those had expired. After his brief prison sentence in Cuba following the hijacking, he'd moved to Africa (Tanzania) and lived there for about 20 years before returning to the U.S. in the early 1990s. It's interesting that he was linked to the hijacking from his fingerprints on a can of ginger ale on the AC flight.

In another article from the same NetLetter, Ken tells us that in the photo caption re CP's start of DC-10 service to Australia, one of the CP staff in SYD is referred to as Margaret Hili. Not 100% certain but I think her last name was Hill. You may want to double-check to see if Hili is a typo.(We rechecked the magazine and the correct name is Margaret Hill - sorry Margaret - eds)

Image Blank 200px And yet another gremlin problem - In the item on the start of North Star service to London in 1947, the date printed on the photo of CF-TEM reads 1957

Regards, Ken

Paul Gauthier, referring to NetLetter nr 1206, sends us this message: Again, I want to thank you for a very interesting newsletter and for publishing my comments in regards to the Nordair video.

I just have a question: in the AC News, you state that AC has been identified as the customer for 3 B-777-300ER's with 5 on order and that AC operates a fleet of 10; according to the AC website, it operates 12 -300ER's and 6 -200LR's; does this mean that AC has ordered additional B-777-300ER's? I haven't read anything about this; or am I misreading?
And again, keep up the great work!
Paul Gauthier Service Director -retired- YYZ

(The information we had was from the Speednews" website, but we have no way of confirming the details. From what is on the internet, we believe that five options for new B777-300ER's are now firm orders for delivery in 2013 and 2014 and that Air Canada is also in negotiation with Air India to lease 5 more B777-200LRs from them - eds)

Odds and Ends.

Image Blank 200pxSometimes we receive articles and information that just doesn't fit in our other areas. This is where it goes!



Loraine Gore thought this story would be of interest to some of our readers:


Some days, retirement from this business really is a gift from God!
It is by Laurie Driggs, an AA pilot, who was in Dallas Wednesday, April 4th, 2012.

I was number two on L taxiway for 17R, on my way to TUL when it came through. When we left the gate the radar showed a small cell coming toward the airport, nothing bigger than a typical spring storm. There was a much larger storm to the northwest but not a factor. In the time it took to taxi from the west side to the 17R pad, the little storm became intense. Light rain, some wind gusts, then heavier rain, some wind-shear reported and then departures halted. Shut down and let the passengers use phones, being told it would be about 20 minutes and we were completely surrounded by other jets. A couple of minutes pass and all hell broke loose.

Heavy rain, gusty winds, the tower reported a microburst on the south airport boundary with 75 knot winds. Next the passengers on all the planes were telling the crews about the tornadoes (you know, because they can have internet and we can't, as that wouldn't be safe). One plane checks in and the controller says he's on the wrong frequency. He explains that the other tower was being evacuated and he told him to try this one. Tower then admits they are down to only a skeleton crew.  Tower states they have a tornado on radar but don't see anything, asks if any plane is facing south enough to see. No one can. I call dispatch on the phone since no one is answering any radio frequency (ops, dispatch etc). I get a dispatcher who says he is the only one there, nearly everyone else is in the basement. He is a NWS weather observer and just took a look, he said not good, a tornado went across the south end of the field and another is on its way, only a little further away, hail is on the way and he was leaving for the basement. Then the hail began, little peas, then nickels and dimes until a sustained blast of golf balls with more than one tennis ball. And then it was over.  

Ops called all the jets back to the terminal for maintenance inspections.  We were told 63 airplanes were exposed to the hail. There was the ability to inspect only one MD-80 at a time since they didn't have operators for the lift trucks (deicers). The 757 I was in suffered significant visible damage to every horizontal surface with actual punctures to the upper skin of the flaps and ailerons. Off the gate to back on was only 1 hour 44 mins. The terminal was pandemonium. All flights for the next few hours cancelled. The news was reporting all flights for the rest of the day were cancelled. The airport ops told me that the instrument approaches (localizers?) on the south side of the airport were all knocked out, so only one runway had an approach available. The agents did a great job. The hotel desk was probably the hardest hit, it took many crews hours to get rooms (you couldn't buy your own if you wanted to, none to be found). Tomorrow is going to be a tough day in DFW. I would guess many planes out of service, lots of revenue stand-bys and lots of dead heads. Good thing we have a lot of spare jets in the desert! 

Flash Mob in YVR
The GREAT Campaign came to life at Vancouver International Airport (YVR) on May 24 2012, with an exciting flash mob near the international food court (performed to 'Jumpstart' by These Kids Wear Crowns).
Dancers were dressed as the Spice Girls, The Beatles, Austin Powers, David Beckham, Elton John and Harry Potter, alongside Union Jack T-Shirts - celebrating GREAT Britain.
The UK is in the world spotlight in 2012, with the Diamond Jubilee and London Olympics fast approaching. The GREAT Campaign is a global initiative, which leverages this platform, to remind the world of what is GREAT about Britain, For more information visit: www.facebook.com/ThisisGREATBritain
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips - by Terry Baker

Terry BakerReferring to the item in NetLetter nr 1207 regarding United Airlines, Jannet Tricarico points
out that United have changed their minds:


UA now able to continue extending Partner travel to Air Canada. Good news! We have been notified that United Airlines will in fact be able to continue to offer the Partner Travel for ZED (Zonal Employee Discount). This means that the ZED agreement will continue permitting Air Canada employees to be accompanied by travel partners on UA and vice-versa. Employees, spouses and children will still be able to travel on UA; as will unaccompanied parents.  

Regards Jannet

KLM is offering passengers a chance to "like" their seatmate. The system is being tested that allows passengers to use Facebook or LinkedIn profiles to pick the people they would like to sit next to on their flight. Officially known as "Meet & Seat" When one calls up their flight's seating plan, it indicates which passengers have registered their profiles. (This system is not applicable to the front end crew members - eds)
Farnborough International Airshow 2012 in July 9-15, 2012, Farnborough, Hampshire, UK
Interline Travel has these deals:

AMA Waterways


Europe's Rivers and Castles Cruise - 7 night River Cruise aboard the AmaLyra from Luxembourg to Nuremberg on * Jul. 25, 2012 - Cat. E - $875 plus $147 port charge - 3 nights in Paris before the cruise and 2 nights in Prague after your cruise is just $1,240pp extra!


* Europe's Rivers and Castles Cruise - 7 night River Cruise aboard the AmaDolce from Nuremberg to Luxembourg on Aug. 12, 2012 - Cat. E - $875 plus $147 port charge - 2 Nights in Prague before the cruise and 2 Nights in Paris after your cruise is just $1,240pp extra!

* Upgrades are available on any of these European sailings for the following additional cost
$ 94.50 per person cat D
$274.50 per person cat C
$374.50 per person cat B
$424.50 per person cat A
$549.50 per person cat A+  


* Vietnam, Cambodia and the Riches of the Mekong Cruise - 7 night River Cruise aboard the AmaLotus from Siem Reap to Ho Chi Min City on

Jul. 2, 2012 - Cat. E - $875 plus $09 port charge - Optional Land program in Hanoi (2 nights), Ha Long Bay (1 night), Siem Reap (3 nights) and Ho Chi Minh City  (2 nights) available for $1,899 per person!


* Stars of Africa Cruise - 16 Night African Adventure, travel to Cape Town and return from Victoria Falls. Intra-Africa air is an additional $1,175 per person and has to be booked through AmaWaterways on

Jul. 16, 2012 - Cat. E - $4,747 a 50% savings! - Cape Town (3 nights), Kruger National Park Area (3 nights), Johannesburg (1 night), Safari cruise (4 nights) and Victoria Falls (2 nights) plus 4-star Game Lodge accommodations; Morning & Afternoon game drives

Safari Cruise on board the luxurious Zambezi Queen; Cruise accommodations in a Suite with balcony; Private boat game drives along the Chobe River. All meals included during cruise and safaris; Complimentary wine and beer with all meals on board

Azamara Cruises 

* Azamara Journey - 11 night Europe Cruise sailing from Lisbon to Monte Carlo stopping in Seville, Gibraltar, Motril, Ibiza, Barcelona and St. Tropez on Aug. 20, 2012 - $1,320/Inside   $1,680/Oceanview       $2,160/Oceanview with Balcony   $1,320/3rd & 4th persons - New Sailing Just Added!


Azamara Quest - 10 night Med Cruise sailing from Civitavecchia (Rome) to Barcelona stopping in Sorrento, Capri, Amalfi, Trapani, Bonifacio, Olbia, Mahon, Ibiza and Palma de Mallorca on Aug. 29, 2012 - $1,100/Inside  $1,400/Oceanview  $1,800/Oceanview with Balcony $1,100/3rd & 4th persons - New Sailing Just Added!

Contact www.interlinetravel.com for more deals 817 481-8631 / 800 766-2911.To access the members area of our website, www.interlinetravel.com, your user name is nonrev and your password is interline


Remember You Pay NO booking fees with InterlineTravel.com on all resorts and with most cruises!!!



smileyWay back in the dim and distant past, in Parliament, a statement had been made, through erroneous reporting, that had cast aspersions about the youthfulness of the T.C.A. pilots. 


This mistake was rectified, meanwhile Dave Mathias came up with this cartoon published in "Between Ourselves" issued May 1944.    












Ever wondered where that freight consignment of yours went to? This advert was found in a local newspaper.  


The NetLetter is an email newsletter published (usually) once a week and contains a mixture of nostalgia, current news and travel tips. We encourage our readers to submit their stories, photos and/or comments from either days gone by or from present day experiences and trips. If we think that the rest of our readers will enjoy it, we will publish it here

We also welcome your feedback in regard to anything we post here. Many readers have commented with additional information, names and personal memories from the photos and articles presented here.

The NetLetter, which is free, is open to anyone that wishes to subscribe but is targeted to retired employees from Air Canada, Canadian Airlines and all the other companies that were part of what Air Canada is today. Thanks for joining us!

We hope you have enjoyed this issue of the NetLetter, see you next week!
Your NetLetter Team

Disclaimer: Please note, that neither the NetLetter or the ACFamily Network necessarily endorse any of the airline related or other "deals" that we provide for our readers. We would be interested in any feedback (good or bad) when using these companies though and will report the results here. We do not (normally) receive any compensation from any companies that we post in our newsletters. If we do receive a donation or other compensation, it will be indicated as a sponsored article or link.


E&OE - (errors and omissions excepted) - The historical information as well as any other information provided here is subject to correction and may have changed over time. We do publish corrections when they are brought to our attention.
First published in October, 1995
  • Chief Pilot - Terry Baker, Nanaimo, B.C.
  • Co-pilot - Alan Rust, Surrey, B.C.
  • Flight Engineer - Bill Rowsell, Londesboro, Ontario 
  • Stewardess - Lisa Ruck, Brooklin, Ontario 
To contact us, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

NetLetter Subscription
