Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

_| TCA |_        B E T W E E N   Y O U R S E L V E S
_|\| AIR |/|_              N E T L E T T E R
>  CANADA   <
>_./|\._<           for Air Canada retirees
Number 442   Date Jan 20th 2000  BYN 1st Published in October 1995

Chief Pilot  - Vesta Stevenson   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Co-pilot     - Terry Baker         This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mailing of this "NetLetter" is courtesy of Alan Rust
administrator of the "AC Family Network" at:

You can read or retrieve back issues of the BYN?
Just visit our web site at:
and click on the "Archives" button.
This area is only open to "BETWEEN YOURSELVES - NetLetter" subscribers
and you will need the following password to enter -
User Name: byn  Password: vesta

UPDATE: new BYN Policy...   re the BYN Archives: they have now been
updated to current issue of "BETWEEN YOURSELVES - NetLetter"
(courtesy Alan Rust) and will be updated on monthly basis to help
the Snowbirds when they return North.

Why not check out the Air Canada Retired Employees Web Site
Independently operated by webmaster Tom Grant.

" ' "

. Need to know.
Tom Grant sends us this information from Air Canada regarding the
carry-on luggage mentioned in NetLetter nr 441 -
I received this reply from Air Canada regarding my comments about current
carry-on policies. This clarifies the situation as it is at the moment. And
I thank Bob Blake for taking the time to reply and to Horizons that
forwarded my comments to the appropriate person.
"Air Canada and our Star Alliance partners are working at harmonizing
the carry-on policies and I would be lying if I said the work has been
easy. To date, all we have agreed on is the maximum size dimensions
that make up the new Air Canada policy. We (AC) decided to go forward
as we felt we could no longer delay the implementation of a new
The web sites of our partners show different dimensions but they are
all moving towards this common size - 23x40x55 cm for a standard bag.
The number of bags and the weight have yet to be harmonized. In some
cases, there is government legislation dictating number of pieces
and/or weight so there will be challenges.
I think amongst the Star partners there is an understanding that we
all have to be accommodating as we hand off customers from one to the
Regards, Bob Blake"

(Note: We suggest that you make a note of this new sizing in
'Your Travel Guide', not forgetting to advise your
'Family Affaire' members and travel partners - eds) 

" ' "

. We welcome -
John Baker, retired Flight Dispatch, LHR and presently the
UK Director of Pionairs. email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Email to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. will find a retired Maintenance foreman,
Gordon Catton, living in Elliot Lake, ON.
Try email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for Ken  W. Lyons retired Captain
living in Sidney, B.C.
Those of you who remember Tom Lawson, I do! He's retired as Purchasing
Manager and lives in Ottawa, ON. Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
John Frisby eEmail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. retired from Pilot Crew Sched.
living at Courtenay, BC
Jeannine N Headecker retired Flight Attendant lives in Victoria, BC
Email:          This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Paquette email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. lives in Surrey, BC
Employee Records Coordinator
Happy Wells Pilot lives on Bowen Island, BC
email:          This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Barbara White email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Customer Service Training Instructor
living in Toronto, ON
email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for Carlos Santos Costa retired
Inspector Foreman lives in Pointe Claire, QC
Ed Banks Cargo Customer Relations Manager lives in Mississauga, ON
email:          This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Art Biggs Customer Service Agent lives in Saskatoon, SK
email:          This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

" ' "
. Just information!
January 12, 2000 No.1

We know you all have many questions about what is going and find that
information is not coming fast enough. Right now we all have more
questions than there are answers. Why? Because discussions and
meetings are going on, but no decisions have been made. This sets the
perfect stage for THE RUMOUR MILL_

We know rumours are out there and we want to know what they are_not
because we're nosy_we want to respond to them. Send any rumours you've
heard to Employee Communications by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., fax
(514) 422.5104, or tely YULNNAC.

Remember_ until you hear it from Employee Communications, it's only
speculation and rumours!


Rumour: "Air Canada and Canadian employees will be offered severance
Truth: The Human Resources teams of both airlines have met and are
developing programs that will involve a range of options, including
those already contained in collective agreements. You will hear more
in the coming months as we understand what the staffing requirements
will be and once we have had discussions with the various unions.
However, we already know there are staff shortages in some areas so we
will not be offering voluntary severance programs everywhere.

Rumour: "We are unable to put our transfers through at this time as
the two seniority lists are being merged_and at this time we are
recommended to wait." From YSJ Call Centre
Truth: False. There is no change to our current process.

Rumour: "Vancouver Call Centre will close and we will move the Call
Centre office downtown to Canadian's Call Centre at YVR Airport." From
YVR Call Centre. (See truth in next rumour)

Rumour: ".. The Air Canada Call Center and the CP Call Centre in YMQ
will become one." From YTO Call Centre
Truth: As part of the overall integration plan, the Call Centres will
be looked at to see what should/could be done - from a real estate and
people perspective. However, no decisions have been made and given the
union issues, this would definitely fall into a longer term type of

Rumour: "We just heard a rumour that there would be staff reductions
in YXT (Terrace, BC) immediately, if not sooner. This news was
delivered to us via a flight attendant that dropped this bomb shell
when we were meeting our flight. Please advise. This is not a good way
to find this out." From YXTZX
Truth: As has been stated numerous times, there will be no involuntary
layoffs as a result of the restructuring.

Rumour: "_Why is Canadian Airlines in YEG still hiring staff?" Fom
Truth: True. Canadian is hiring people to work in their Grooming
department because of third-party contract work. They are short 4
bodies to fulfill those contracts. This is normal replacement.

Rumour: "_ Air Canada employees will be able to use their passes on
Canadian Airlines flight.
Truth: The current policy, listed in CIC*81/571 still applies_Air
Canada trip passes and Canadian "U-Write" tickets are not accepted on
the other carrier. The Industry Travel team anticipates announcing
employee travel changes soon.

Rumour: "_ If and when will early retirement packages be offered to
CAW members?"
Truth: The Human Resources teams of both airlines have met and are
developing programs that will involve a range of options, including
those already contained in collective agreements.

Rumour: "_ CP aircraft are already being painted with our colours and
the maple leaf, with a small goose in the corner."
Truth: Thist week, another major step will be taken as Canadian
Airlines begins repainting its fleet, except for the DC10's, with a
new transitional livery. The first aircraft, a Boeing 767, should be
rolled out the week of February 14th. It will have the Maple Leaf
tail, and the Canadian Proud Wings identity on a white fuselage.

" ' "
. Gremlins!
We are getting requests from several of our readers who use aol as
their server. We do not get any indication of a reject and it would
appear there may be some anti-spam software with aol which is deleting
long messages. If you know of one of our readers in this situation,
you might suggest that they follow avenue and check with aol.
Thanks - eds

" ' "

. Help!
From Tom Grant -
Book Wanted.
I'm looking for a copy of THE ADOLESCENCE OF AN AIRLINE: Gordon R.
McGregor, Air Canada. 1979. [ISBN  - in house pulication] to purchase.
If anyone has a lead please let me know. Thanks.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

" ' "

. More help!
My name is Alan Bain, I am the son of the late James T. Bain, former
Director of Engineering and Maintenance for TCA/Air Canada.  My Dad has
recently been elected to the Canadian Aviation Hall of Fame. He retired
in 1966.
I would be interested in finding any names that knew my Dad, and who
would be interested in attending the Induction ceremonies at Wetaskiwin,
Alberta on May 13, 2000.
Searching the list by myself would not do too much good, I can, remember
the names of the people he worked with but is there some way a notice
could be posted so that retirees would have this information, and could
get in touch with me if they wanted more information.
My E-Mail is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
My home phone is 613-537-8552
My FAX is 613-537-9511
A.J.T. Bain

" ' "

.    2000 System Hockey Ottawa
Feb. 28 --- Mar 02
Your host in Ottawa -- Mike Brisebois 613-783-6451
Hotel; Quality Hotel 290 Rideau St. ( 2 min from market )
Reservations 1 800 228 5151
Price ca$80.00 per nite per room ( plus taxes ) max 4 per room
All guests are asked to contact the hotel directly, and advise
that you are with the ACRA hockey tournament.
Reservations accepted until Jan 28 2000.
Arena; Jim Durrell Recreation Centre , Walkley Road, Ottawa
( approx. 5 min from airport )
Registration; $400.00 per team
DEADLINE Feb. 1 2000    Max 12 teams
Player package $50.00 per player to be paid Monday Feb. 28th
at team meeting.
Old Timers;
If enough interest is shown we will add the Old Timers
Active and retired employees .
You must be 50 yr. young or older.
Each Old Timer can purchase the $50. package if he wishes.
A $20 deposit is required by Jan 28th 2000
Please make cheque payable to John Rodger and send to him at
621 St Malo St. East L'Ile Bizard QC. H9C 2P1
Phone 514-696-2964          Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Regards  John Rodger

" ' "

. Found on the internet.
In the afterglow of his airline's Millennium Fantasy Flight last week,
the chief executive of South African Airways has announced the airline
will become the first to introduce aircraft with dance floors for
passengers traveling to overseas destinations.  Coleman Andrews was so
taken by the sight of passengers dancing on a special New Year's Eve
flight from Johannesburg to Cape Town Friday night that he wants to have
a dance floor on regular flights.  Although taking out seats will affect
profits, Andrews said he believes the move will create a more pleasant
flying experience for passengers.
Have some more champagne, Mr. Andrews.

It wasn't a Y2K thing, we're told, but a New York-bound Turkish Airlines
plane was forced to return to Istanbul airport twice Monday due to
mechanical problems.  The Airbus 340 returned shortly after its first
takeoff, was repaired and then departed again.  Within an hour, it
returned and again landed safely.
This Airbus 340 is reportedly the same one that lost two engines after
colliding with a flock of seagulls on earlier.

" ' "

. In NetLetter nr 436 we mentioned about the renumbering of runways
at YYZ. Here is a response from Grant Wilson at Dorval -
Here is an explanation of the reasons for the change in Runway
Identifiers for YYZ.  It will eventually become a Quad runway system
similar to LAX.
Barry Scott of Aeronautical Services enlightens us.
As everyone knows, Toronto airport is undergoing a major reconstruction
program. This includes a redesigned taxiway system and the eventual
opening of two new parallel runways. Pilots may have noticed the early
stages of construction for the first new runway approximately 1000 feet
south of 06R/24L (depicted in cross hatching on YYZ Ground Movement chart).
The second new parallel will be built just south of taxiway Hotel.
Runway designators for the north pair will be 05L/R - 23L/R, with the
south set numbered 06L/R - 24L/R.
Opening of the new south runway is tentatively planned in 2002 and no
earlier than 2008 for the north side.
While it might seem premature to redesignate 06L-24R at this stage it
was necessary to facilitate relocation of signs from the north side of
the airport for installation on the new taxiways presently under
construction at the south. There is a significant cost saving in
relocating these signs instead of purchasing new ones.
Hope this provides enough background.        Scotty

" ' "

. World Airlines Clubs Association upcoming events -
Hosted by the Calgary Interline Club
WACA Annual Ski Races and Spring Skiing in the Rockies.
April 01 - 07th.
01 - check in at the Coast Plaza Hotel, courtesy service
from the airport.
02 - 07 will be spent at Chateau Lake Louise.
Package includes 7 nights accommodations,
7 breakfasts, 3 dinners, 5 day lift ticket at
Lake Louise, 2 hospitality suites, WACA fee,
transfers between Calgary & Lake Louise.
Priced at ca$920.00 (us$645.00) based on double occupancy.
DEADLINE: Feb 10th.
Contact Pamela Smith at YYCTRAC or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Reminders: WACA events listed in NetLetter nr 435 -
Sugaring Off at Montreal
Swiss Winterbreak in Basle.

" ' "

. Smilie.
We've heard plenty of stories about how our winged friends can be a
strike hazard to aircraft, but this is the first we've heard of a bird
inside the cockpit grounding a plane.
It seems the crew of an Ansett Australia Boeing 737 had an unfriendly
bird encounter last Saturday.  As the crew began their takeoff roll, a
swallow flew into the face of the captain, who aborted the attempt.  The
wily bird then disappeared behind the instrument panel.  The passengers
were unloaded and Ansett flew in engineers from Melbourne to catch the
illegal stowaway.  They eventually found the bird, checked the
instruments and cleared the 737 for service.  No word on whether the
bird was set free to fly with his own kind.

" ' "

.  That's it for this time, please we need your input, send
comments and email addresses of any others who may be
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