Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

_| TCA |_        B E T W E E N   Y O U R S E L V E S
_|\| AIR |/|_              N E T L E T T E R
>  CANADA   <
>_./|\._<           for Air Canada retirees

Chief Pilot  - Vesta Stevenson   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Co-pilot     - Terry Baker         This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mailing of this "NetLetter" is courtesy of Alan Rust
administrator of the "AC Family Network" at:

Number 402   Date Sept 3rd, 1999  BYN 1st Published in October 1995

Just a reminder, for articles or comments to the editors of this
NetLetter, please mailto:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

" ' "

. Need to know.
This month sees the introduction of a new National Pionairs Executive,
all resident on Vancouver Island - (home of the NetLetter!) -
President - Saville Hambleton 
1st VP    - Bill Fisher
2nd VP    - Kay Napolitano
Treasurer - Norm Stoddart,
Secretary - Barbara Hambleton
We, at the NetLetter, wish this new Executive a successful term of 2 years.

" ' "

. Welcome to
David Smith email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

" ' "

. Where are they now?
Doug Davidson sends this -
I leave Kuwait on 2nd September and am returning to Dallas.
My new e-mail address is:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

" ' "

. Tom Grant sends us this -
Subject: Sept 1/39
Since it is the 60th Anniversary of the invasion of Poland and in some
respects the beginning of the acceleration of aviation technology, it may
be appropriate for our readers to re-read the poem "September 1, 1939" by
W.H. Auden. It can be found at http://www.poets.org/lit/POEM/whaude04.htm
Regards  Tom

" ' "

. From Capt. Alan MacLeod
The Lockheed, Tango Charlie Charlie, is now in Hanger 39 at the Edmonton
City Center Airport.
The DREAMS TAKE FLIGHT, Vancouver staff had a successful four days of
flying Aug. 19 through 22nd. They were VERY happy with the results.
Capt. Reid, Capt. Dodds, and Capt. Norberg shared the flying duties. On
the 23rd, Capt. Norberg and Capt. Dodds ferried the aircraft to Calgary.
Mark Bolten, C.A.T. from Winnipeg was on hand to look after the
maintenance requirements.
Weekend of Aug. 26th through 29th saw TCC in Calgary. Four fine days of
flying, with 100% load factor, were completed. The DREAMS COMMITTEE
worked hard and the load factor was an indication of their success.
Congratulations to them all. Flying was done by Capt.s. MacLeod, Patry
and Dodds. Collin Shebaga, C.A.T. (Certified Aircraft Technician) from
Winnipeg, volunteered his time to make sure TCC  continued to run like a
Swiss watch. Incidentally, Collin had a snag which kept him working
until 1.00AM on Saturday to ensure all was normal for the following
day--and this after working with us all day Friday.
A tip of the hat to Collin and all the maintenance volunteers.
Next operation is from the Edmonton City Center airport. Sept. 3,4,5 and
6th. Flying will be from the museum there. You retired Edmonton folk
should come out and see " your " aircraft hard at work for some needy
and sick children.
After flying in Edmonton, TCC will go to Winnipeg for Sept.16,17,18 and
19th. Flying there will be from the Western Canadian Aviation Museum.

Answers to two questions for Phil Pawsey, retired navigator.
1.  The first aircraft in the Air Canada fleet to be equipped with Global
Positioning was---
none other than CF-TCC. A King/ Bendix combination VHF transceiver
and GPS unit was installed in 1996.
Phil: You being a retired navigator would require in depth training to
qualify on this equipment. You would not be permitted to take
your sextant and Air Almanac along !!
2. Phil was asking what a " cone of silence" is known as to-day.
In the modern day definition, a cone of silence is that 24 hour period
of silence one experiences after staying out too late the night before
and arriving home a bit "under the weather".
That's the end of it for now..  Alan  <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>

" ' "

.  Kay Napolitano thought this may be of interest -
Allan and Leslie Robinson - brother and sister -  Air Canada Flight
Crew.  (Allan is a Captain and Leslie First Officer).  Had the
opportunity to fly together, a DC 9 Aircraft from Toronto to Halifax
(flt 604 outbound) September the 1st and returned on the 2nd. Then on
September 3rd they flew Toronto Charlottetown return. 
Their proud father - retired Captain Douglas Robinson traveled with
them on the Halifax trip.
This could be a first for Air Canada ????  You word it as you wish
Regards Kay. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(Kay is the 2nd V.P. of the National Pionairs Executive - eds)

" ' "

. From one of our readers -
Subject: CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! !
Hello   Vesta  and  Terry :
It is with Great Pleasure that  we CONGRATULATE  you both
on completing your   400Th.,  Between Yourselves Netletter.
Your desire to provide a Link to us  Retired Group of
T.C.A/Air Canada  Retirees  is  Noble and  you are to
be further Congratulated for your efforts.
Your Reliability and Informative Netletter, I am sure many of us
look forward to with Great interest, weekly or Bi-weekly.
On behalf of us and  I am  sure many , many others,
THANKS  to you both for your efforts, and continued success.
We  Remain,   June  &  Gordon  Dalziel This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(Thank you June and Gordon, we hope many of our readers share this
sentiment, and to let you know that we rely on input from any
or all of you - eds)

" ' "

. News from the districts.
The Cape Breton district is the newest Pionair district and this is
their first newsletter -
President's Report:
First let me tell you how great it is to be your President/Director;
and the joy in reading the Newsletters from so many other Directors.
Having moved about, many of the names conjure up fond memories (for our
local membership: (we) will provide a booklet at future meetings so that
you too may read of the names and activities in other districts).
From our humble beginning in Oct 1998 we have proven to be a worthy
addition to the family of Pionairs. I attended two Directors meetings in
Vancouver (Nov98-Apr99) and currently am part of a national group put
together to try to stimulate interest and participation in Pionairs.
So far we have held 4 meetings: the first in Virginia Dowling's living
room, 2 in the First United Church's meeting hall and 1 in the Atlantic
Superstore's Community room , and now plan to meet at the Mira Boat Club
on Sep 14/99 - 1100-1500 , for a "Funday" consisting fo BBQ, Surf & Turf,
boatride (1-1.5 Hrs) ,cards , etc. - at no cost to Pionairs, more on this
We must congratulate our Golf Committee of Murray Wadden, Frank Jones,
Ken MacDonald, George March, Milo Crowe, Cy Wagner, Len Morrison,
Hugh McMullin, Naish Batten, Kevin MacKenzie and Hubert MacKeigan for a
job well done - We had 150 participants for our System Pionairs Golf
Tournament - 103 people golfed of which 92 were Pionairs and the rest
paying guests (we included non Pionairs to help offset the costs!!!) -
We had 144 at the Banquet, 132 Pionairs and 12 Guests.
All Provinces from N.S. west  plus Florida and California were represented.
We provided a Hospitality area for the entire four days and thanks to
Mable Wagner and Mona Wadden all were welcomed with a smile, a kind word,
a beverage, sometimes breakfast, lunch, and evening snack - Thanks Ladies!
Ken Mac Donald (Mr. Golf) and Frank Jones supplied support above and
beyond - Ken has special powers for negotiating prices and soliciting
financial support;
While Frank's dedication to detail, his administrative abilities, and
computer savy, kept one and all always informed.
George March and Milo Crowe did the arm twisting to get hole sponsorships
for this we are grateful - all committee members gave willingly of their
time and talents - Thanks!
A word to future hosts - Don't spend the money until you get it!  And,
do not purchase in advance golf shirts and hats...We have for sale
Pre-millenium golf shirts and hats if anyone wishes to contact us!!!
My last note regarding the Golf Tournament is to thank Bernice and
Bob Horsman in B.C. for their support when we had "No other support".
Our first introduction to Pionairs was a wonderful experience and we
thank the Executive for their welcome - Olie Moore & Mary, Roy McCormack,
Fraser O'Shaughnessy, Al Histed, Fraser Muir, Leo Goulet, and the Directors
who attended my first two meetings.
Best wishes to Saville Hambleton and his incoming executive of
Barbara Hambleton, Norm Stoddart, Kay Napolitano, and Bill Fisher.
Now to: B.B.Q. on the Mira River - Sept 14/99 - 11hrs.  We will provide
food and beverage, so if you plan to attend, You must advise our telephone
committee NOT later than 10th Sept 1999 - You can "GOSHO' however your
boarding pass will read "No Meal".  Phone committee:
Eileen MacNeil - 562-5326, Neily MacMullin - 849-4948,
Virginia Dowling - 562-0894, Rita Carmichael - 564-8525,
and Earl Moffatt - 562-2686.
Place: Mira Boat Club - Hillside Rd (off Hghy #22).
Time: 1100hrs - Sept14/99 - Rain date Sept 16/99
Food time : 1300hrs onward
Games: If you have lawn darts, etc., Bring "em!
See you there.............Murray and Committee.

" ' "

. From the RAPCAN news issued by Duane Frerichs -
*** FAA: Delta's new 777 hits fire truck in Atlanta
DELTA AIRLINES aircraft was taxiing to the ramp and was being sprayed
by a fire truck as it was the captain's last flight, when the aircraft
right wing struck the boom of the fire truck. The aircraft sustained
minor damage to the leading edge slat, no injuries were reported.
(Except, perhaps to the captain's ego! - eds)

A 1,000,000 square foot, ca$4.5 Million apron was officially opened
today at Greater Moncton Airport, New Brunswick, Canada. The large
apron will be used for aircraft parking during the Francophone Summit
and has been earmarked for both cargo freighter activity and as the
future site for a planned new passenger terminal facility.

" ' "

. From: Philip Pawsey
Report re the Cone of Silence teaser..
Have received several answers but sorry to report that each contributor
was given a RS (reviewed standard), but must confess that one retired
flyer came very close.  This all reminds me of a conversation
(nothing to do with the correct answer) that I overheard many years ago
between Ray Bicknell and Bob Brown, both were fairly junior Captains at
the time.  Bob asked Ray about the performance of a Piper aircraft
(PA-2, I think) with the new 85 horse motor in it.
The answer went something like this "Brownee," says Bick, "you and I
could get into it and she would take us right up through the
cone of silence".
For those of you that do not know Bob and Ray, they are very sizeable gents.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

" ' "

. Terry's travel tips.
Royal Olympic Cruises
September 17/99 - World Renaissance - 7 Nights Mediterranean Odyssey
Sailing from Piraeus Returns
Inside cabin from $399 USD pp dbl Outside cabin from $499 USD pp dbl
plus $165 USD Port charges Per Person
October 8/99 - Olympic Countess - 3 Nights Aegean Discovery
Sailing from Piraeus Returns
Inside cabin from $199 USD pp dbl Outside cabin from $249 USD pp dbl
plus $55 USD Port charges Per Person
October 15/99 - Triton - 3 Nights Aegean Discovery
Sailing from Piraeus Returns
Inside cabin from $199 USD pp dbl Outside cabin from $249 USD pp dbl
plus $55 USD Port charges Per Person
Call Canadian Interline Travel Ltd. for further information -
Toll Free: 1-800-665-3100

" ' "

. Smilie.
From the RAPCAN news issued by Duane Frerichs -
A couple of A-10's are escorting a C-130 Hercules and their pilots were
chatting with the pilot of the transport to pass the time. Talk fell on
the subject of relative merits of their respective aircraft with the
fighter pilots holding their planes were better because of their
maneuverability, weaponry and the like.
The C-130 pilot replied "Yeah? Well I can do a few things in this old
girl that you'd only dream about."
Naturally, he was challenged to demonstrate.
"Just watch," he tells them. The C-130 continues to fly straight and level,
and after several minutes the Herk pilot returns to the air and says,
"There! How was that?"
Not having seen anything, the fighter pilots say,  "What are you talking
about?  What did you do?"
He replies, "Well, I got up, stretched my legs, got a cup of coffee,
then went back and went to the bathroom".

" ' "

.  That's it for this time, please we need your input, send
comments and email addresses of any others who may be
interested to:

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