Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

_| TCA |_        B E T W E E N   Y O U R S E L V E S
_|\| AIR |/|_              N E T L E T T E R
>  CANADA   <
>_./|\._<           for Air Canada retirees

Chief Pilot  - Vesta Stevenson   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Co-pilot     - Terry Baker         This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mailing of this "NetLetter" is courtesy of Alan Rust
administrator of the "AC Family Network" at:

Number 401   Date August 31st, 1999  BYN 1st Published in October 1995


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" ' "

. Welcome to
Marsha and Peter Woodruff  living in Victoria, BC
email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Glenn Kirkaldy retired Passenger Sales Manager living in Calgary, AB
email:          This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Email to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. will find  Paul Simoneau
retired Passenger Sales Manager - Ottawa living in Kingston, ON
Bruce and Evelyn Gibson live in Victoria BC  Vancouver Island Pionair
email is  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and you get Wally & Margaret  Snyder 

" ' "

. Lawson Tremellon sends this info -
We all must start writing today to anyone in Parliamant where the
addresss is House of Commons, Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6.
Send emails also to as many people as possible including provincial
governments, all the addresses are available on the Internet.
David Collenette, Minister of Tranport email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Jean Chretien is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Claudette Bradshaw, Minister of Labour is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Let us do everything we can to stop this takeover by American Airlines of
the airline that we all help build.
Too much is at stake to just sit back and let it happen.
Lawson Tremellen      This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Out of country readers can keep up to date by viewing these web sites -

" ' "

. Tom Grant sends this information -
Our readers may be interested in some new images put up on both the
RAPCAN <www.acfamily.net/rapcan/> and A-CREW <www.acfamily.net/acrew/>
They include:
RAPCAN - Pilots Photo Gallery
"Wartime airman gets his wings - at 91"
A-CREW - Aircraft
"DC8 Dragging one foot"
"Super Connie LHR"
A-CREW - People and Places
"TCA Victoria Sked 1955"
As well as the usual EVENTS updates and CONTACTS updates.

" ' "

. A comment from Carol Schlifke -
I read your little note NetLetter nr 397) about the new
Ottawa /Washington National service.
Just wanted to let you know I was there!  I am an American Airlines
employee and the daughter of an Air Canada retiree.
I work at Washington National and the ballons were in abundance
on August 3rd.  I also want to let you know that you have a great staff
in Washington.....  they let me have all the old Toronto or Montreal
newspapers I want.  It is about the only way I ever get  any news about
what is going on in Canada!

" ' "

. We recently welcomed Murray McAuslane, here is a short bio -
My name is Murray McAuslane, age 68 and an Air Canada retiree.
My AC background in brief is: I joined TCA in Montréal in 1954
and spent my first few years as a PA; training assistant; advertising
assistant then Manager-Advertising(Europe) based in the UK. I then
returned to Canada as Director-Advertising, then Director-Linguistic
Affairs and finally took early retirement in 1985.

" ' "

. We haven't heard from Charlie Mackie for quite a while,
but here is his latest tale -
Subject: The time I almost bought it
I though you might find it interesting to read of another of my early
with the Bush Aviation outfits.
This particular incident came about because I was working as a Radio
Operator in a place called Favorable Lake in North Eastern Manitoba for
Canadian Airways.
I had just received a telegram from the Department of Transport for a
job opportunity with them in the city of Ottawa, which I accepted.
The problem was that it was in the middle of freeze up, and
the Lakes where I was were frozen over but at Lac du Bonnet it still
had open water although there was some ice around the shore lines, so
there were no Canadian Airways planes available for at least two to three
There happened to be a Wings Co aircraft, a Fairchild 71A, which was on
skiis and was enroute to Lac du Bonnet, so I asked the pilot, Rex
Kitely  if I could catch a ride with him back to civilization.  The
unwritten policy of the day was if you worked for any airline you could
ride on the other one for free.
So Rex agreed and we started to load up his aircraft with the
Concentrates that the mines at Berens River had produced, and they were
contained in plywood drums each weighing about 150 lbs.  The Concentrates
had to be shipped to the USA for further processing.  So we loaded 6 of these
drums forward in the aircraft and I sat in the Jump seat at the back of the
aircraft with one other passenger who happened to be the Mine Managers wife.
During the night it had snowed quite a bit and there were a lot of
snow drifts all over the lake.  So we started take off with the aircraft
hitting these snow drifts causing a rather rough bouncy ride, and as we got
close to take off speed we hit a large drift and it bounced the aircraft
into the air and the nose shot up abruptly, and this in turn caused the
6 cans of Concentrate to move toward the tail leading to jamming at the
last stantions before our feet.
Rex yelled at us from the cockpit to move those cans forward or we would
never make it out of the lake because of the altitude of the aircraft.
So I put my back on the firewall behind me and pushed with my feet on the
drums and managed to move them back a foot or two, but that was not enough,
so I sat on the floor with my back on the Jump seat and started to push
some more, but I did not know that I had put my left hand on the mechanism
that opened the door of the aircraft, and started to push again and the
door open against the slip stream of the aircraft and I was hanging  out
looking down at the ground for  about 30 seconds.
I managed to grab the Jump seat with my right hand and pulled myself back
in, but I had managed to get the drums far enough forward so that Rex could
straighten out the aircraft.
So the rest of the flight was uneventful until we arrived at Lac de
Bonnet and I saw from the aircraft two aircraft which had gone through
the ice along the shore, and they were with their tails up in the air,
but we landed safely and that was my last experience with Bush Aviation.
So it was back to Winnipeg and the first train to Ottawa, but I
will leave that story for another time
Charles Mackie   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

" ' "

. News from the districts.
The Vancouver Island Pionairs held their UpIsland summer luncheon on
August 25th attended by 54 Pionairs and spouses and friends.  The podium
was held by the Director of V.I. Pionairs John Jeffrey. The setting was
a new venue for the group at the Four Points Sheraton in Nanaimo.
Nona Deyman from Seattle was introduced as a new Pionair attendee and
the group came from Comox -6, Parksville - 8, Nanaimo - 9, Victoria - 14,
Sidney - 14, Gulf Islands - 2, Vancouver - 2 and Seattle - 1.
Unfortunately there was no microphone available for the speakers, but
John's voice carried well! John welcomed the new National President of the
Pionairs, Saville Hambleton and told us that the new executive, all
from Vancouver Island, had in fact, been hard at it for the past 3 months,
although their tenure does not begin until Sept 1st. One of the duties
was to get all the Pionairs, the names were in excess of 6000, entered
into a data base, this was headed by Bill Fisher, 1st VP. So they now
have an up to date computerized list of Pionairs. While gathering this
information, John Jeffery related a strange conversation he had when he
called a number and asked, without identifying himself, 'Are you a Pionair?'
to which the lady responded 'I guess so, my mother and father were, so
I guess I am' at which point John hung up. He now wonders what story this
lady is telling about the strange phone call.
John Innes then took the podium and gave out the news of the 5th Annual
Pionairs Golf Tourney. This year it was held in Sydney on the east coast,
and in the year 2000 it is going to be held on the west coast at the
'other' Sidney. In fact at the Glen Meadows Golf and Country Club in Sidney
on Vancouver Island. June 13th and 14th are the dates and the cost of
ca$120.00 per person will cover the 2 games of golf and the dinner. The
dinner only will be ca$25.00 per person. Application forms are being sent
out and further details can be obtained from John Jeffrey email
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   DEADLINE for the event is May 25th 2000.
Anyone volunteering their services for this event will be most welcome.
A comment from the floor was 'Make sure your clubs are Y2K certified'
to which the response was 'For you, use the other end'.
John stressed the fact that sponsors of the Buddy passes MUST make the
Buddy pass traveller aware of the conditions under which they are
travelling, and that they are standby ONLY. Some instances have been
reported where Buddy pass users have not been cognisant of the rules,
and that revenue passengers must be handled first.
During the course of the lunch, door prizes were drawn, and the lamp,
donated by Terry Baker, was won by Sheila Hartman - it was noticed that
all the door prizes were won by the ladies, some of them managed to
get two!
Arlene McCulloch had brought a tape which was played and contained a
musical medley from all the provinces, which had introduced the TCA DC8
inauguration of the jet age into Canada.
The Mount Douglas summer picnic was attended by 40 people. The weather
was not too kind in the morning, but excellent by the afternoon. The
baseball game had to be cancelled due to a shortage of athletes, but a
fun time was had anyway.
In conclusion, John reminded the group that the Fall luncheon will be
at McMorrans in Victoria on October 6th, cost ca$17.00 per person, deadline
is Sept 27th.

" ' "

. Mary Ryder sends us this information -
Subject: TCA Alumni
Just got word Mary Emerson President or TCA Alumni has moved.
New Address is : Mary Emerson
80 Spinnaker Drive Apt. 318
Halifax, N.S. B3N 3B5
Phone # 902-477-8050
Hope people will write to her or phone her for information.
Thanks Mary Ryder  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

" ' "

. Does this say it all?
From the Horizons dated Mar 30th 1979 loaned by Margaret Cantwell -
From the President.
On March 23rd, the Hon Otto Lang, Minister of Transport, announced that
'The federal governmant has removed all restrictions on CP Air's
participation in trans-continental air routes'. He went on to say
'this means that the airline can now make available as many seats as it
wishes on cross-Canada services. Transborder and International flights
are not affected by this decision'. (In his column, Claude Taylor says,
in      part -)
' .... As of today, they have no restrictions on their licence and any
inability to meet their customers' needs is solely the responsibility
of their management'.

" ' "

. Found on the internet.
weighing 375 pounds has filed a complaint against Air France after the
airline told him he was too big to sit in one seat and had to pay for
two.  Air France said passenger Jean-Paul Touze required two seats on a
flight to China because of his size, adding that Touze declined an offer
to buy the second seat at half price.  Touze has taken his case to the
Human Rights League in Paris.

" ' "

. Terry's travel tips.

30 seats remain on $7,695-per-seat millennium Concorde flight...

19 September ~ 7 Nights ~ Royal Caribbean ~ Enchantment of the Seas
Miami, At Sea, Phillipsburg/St. Maarten, St. John:St. Thomas/USVI
At Sea, CocoCay/Bahamas, Miami
Inside $374, Ocean View $474, Deluxe Ocean View $674, Suite $774
All rates are US$ per person, based on double occupancy
Port charges/Govt fees are additional.
For more information on this and other specials - contact us at:
DARGAL Interline 1-800-690-3223

" ' "

. Smilie.
the Bradley TRACON in Windsor Locks, Conn., has been pronouncing the
numbers three, five, and nine per the official controller handbook.  The
resulting "trees," "fifes" and "niners" reportedly drove local pilots
crazy.  So many pilots have complained about not being able to
understand the conscientious controller that FAA management at the
facility has asked him to stop using the "official" phraseology.  Ten-
four, good buddy?

" ' "

.  That's it for this time, please we need your input, send
comments and email addresses of any others who may be
interested to:

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