Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995


_| TCA |_            B E T W E E N   Y O U R S E L V E S
_|\| AIR |/|_                   N E T L E T T E R
>  CANADA   <
>_./|\._<                   for Air Canada retirees
Your crew is: Chief Pilot  - Vesta Stevenson
Co-pilot     - Terry Baker

number 203     date Oct 25th 1997



Derek     Frost      This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.       10/17/97
Marilyn   Murphy     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   10/17/97
Michael   Roncetti   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.      10/17/97
Sandra    Hoey       This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  10/17/97


. Bill Norberg on email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. asks us -

'Does anyone out there have a spare copy of the 1975 and 1991
Air Canada Annual Reports?
I would appreciate being able to obtain them.
Thanks,   Bill N.'



From: George Brien <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Thought I would send in another "vignette"?? of life with TCA
in the "good ole days"
For those who remember the TCA/AC times of the 50,s 60,s and
70,s,especially in the Maritime Provinces, these remarks
after a flt forecast always meant that passengers were unsure
where they would end up at.
Greenwood NS (YZX) was a unknown area to me when it first
entered my life (or vice versa). I knew it was in the
Annapolis Valley and was originally a wartime RCAF training
field. It was carved out of the flat sandy soil of  the
valley and  its history of fog free weather made it ideal as
an alternative airport. I was on a temporary assignment at
YQY, just after joining TCA as a Radio Operator, when I
received a call from Eric Lambert, Regional Communications
Manager, that I was being reassigned to YZX and promoted to a
Operations Agent. As I didnt know what an Operations Agent
did and not sure where YZX was, the first move was to
Shearwater(YAW) for a quick course as a Load Agent. I was
joined by the other two recruits , Don Maclennan and Art
Rogers. After weights and balance, we moved over to the Nova
Scotian Hotel for ticketing and rsvns training. Life was much
simplier then and it didnt take long to learn how to hand
write a one way ticket YHZ/YSJ fare $9.75 (this was before trans    
Tax  /GST/user fee etc).
The plan was to permanently staff YZX with 3 Opns Agnts, 3
Station Attendants and a Manager so in mid April, 1954 away
we went to look over "altn YZX" . The first chore was to
obtain proper documents to get on the base and get car
passes, then a trip to the ramp area TCA would be using. The
terminal building was somewhat unimposing as it was a small
wooden building about 20'x30' with a very small radio
room/load agent room and unisex public toilet. It wasnt too
many days before those forecasts of Altn YZX started coming
through on the Teletypes due to Shearwater Airport's foggy
conditions. We quickly learned that an alternative can become
a "hub" as all flts had connections to other flights so even
if the rare DC3 was able to land in YAW, its passengers had to be
issued to YZX to connect.
YHZ destined passengers were normally cabbed to the city. In
the days before high speed highways, this trip of 100 miles
would take 2 1/2 hours plus a meal/snack stop half way. Some
busy 20 hour days, cabbies would do as many a 3 round trips a
day. There were many plusses with the job as sunny days/ good
wx in YAW meant days at the beach or on limited call at home
(no cell phones). Again when "the tropical air aloft tended
to make the lower levels less stable" ( this is a direct
quote of a well know Dispatcher of the time), our working
days would extend into brief hours off between midnight and 6
am. The size of the ramp area did create parking problems,
although 5 or 6 DC3's could be fitted in carefully, one day a
North Star jammed in a DC3 that was ready to go but muscle
power, including some passengers, opened up room to taxi out.
( no tow tractors). There were advantages of the slow moving
DC3"s as I found out one night when a call came in that a
YULYAW flight was overhead and diverting into YZX. I lived in
Middleton, about 7 miles away but my 54 Ford was able to
outrun his downwind /baseleg/final and be at the "terminal'"
in time to park the aircraft. Although I left YZX in Nov. and
did come back for 5 months the following summer, I still can
visualize these great days and great people who worked and
shared the "Greenwood Operations". The Station remained
staffed fulltime until the mid 60's, until the new airport
was completed (YHZ) away from most of the fog. The staff was
disbursed to YFC/YQI/YHZ and I worked with some of them in
YQI. The link with YZX continued when I was later assigned to YQI
(no doubt the foggiest airport in Canada), and in those day
before ILS approaches, we would go as long a 10 days without
seeing a aircraft just hearing them as they flew over at 400
feet , as we put the passengers in cabs destination YZX.
Of the four original Station Agents, which included Stu  Day,
who replaced me  in the fall of 54, I am the only one left to
tell this story.
(Thank you George for taking time to tell us your vignette -


. Found on the Internet.


Amsterdam Schipol airport authorities have decided to close
one of the four runways and restrict the use of two others
during peak hour in order to stay within the limits of
government imposed noise regulations. Starting October 1,
there will be only one runway for landings and one for take
offs  instead of the customary two during the airport's three
peak periods, with delays affecting up to 50% of all flights
arriving and leaving the Dutch airport during those times.

Brazilian manufacturer Embraer has officially launched a 35
seat derivative of its 50 passenger regional jet aircraft,
the EMB-145. The new aircraft, which will be known as the
EMB-135, offers 90% commonality with the EMB-145, according
to the airline.

Boeing is studying several new wing designs for the 747 with
the aim to increase seating and fuel capacity, according to
the manufacturer.
A first stretch version could be launched next year and
enter service in 2001, two years before Airbus's proposed
A3XX would begin commercial operations if the European
consortium goes ahead with the development of its own
super-jumbo airliner.

US Airways is urging its pilots to bring contract
negotiations to an end quickly for fear it would loose the
terms it agreed with Airbus covering the purchase of 120
A319s, A320s and A321s with options for 280 more.

America West has signed a contract with Airbus Industries
covering the sale of 22 A319s and 24 A320s, with delivery
starting in 1998. In addition to its order, the carrier has
also taken options on up to 40 narrowbody aircraft.  The
aircraft will be operated alongside America West's existing
fleet of 26 A320s.

British low cost carrier easyJet Airlines has ordered 12
Boeing 737-300s for deliveries between mid 1998 and 1999.

Singapore Airlines will be the first airline in the world to
offer passengers total control over their viewing and
listening options, according to a press release from the
company. The new system being introduced by the airline
on-board a Boeing 747 on the Singapore - Tokyo route will
allow passengers to choose between several movies and music
tracks, with the possibility of pausing, rewinding and
forwarding programmes. The system will be progressively
installed in First and Business Classes on all its Boeing 747s
and 777s and Airbus A340s.


. Interline stuff.

7 night Caribbean Cruise Nov 15th
Inside US$479 or ourside US$599 pp dbl.
Port taxes included. 3rd, 4th ot 5th person US$129 each.
Space limited. 'One time only bomus offer - extend these rates to
your non-interliner friends that would like to join you on this
cruise and havew their own cabin!'
Call 1-800-547-6586 for more details.

Steve Charlton sends us this information -

' While in Paris CDG stayed at Hotel Balladins, just off airport
property in town of le Mesnil Amelot. They have a shuttle bus to
and from all terminals (Air Canada is 2A), and gave us an airline
discount at 250 francs (about CA$60) for the room, including
shower. Although phone # is 01-60-03-65-65, they are on the hotel
board at the airport.
Good thing too since the phones now only take phone cards, not


. Smilies
More humour sent in by John Hayes -

The bulk of mankind is as well equipped for flying as thinking.

If Beethoven had been killed in a plane crash at the age of
22  it would have changed to history of music .. and aviation.

My definition of an optimist has to be the Luftwaffe F-104
pilot  who gave up smoking.

In response to how he checked the weather, 'I just whip
out my  blue card with a hole in it and read what it says:
"When colour of card matches colour of sky, FLY!"


.  That's it for this time, please we need your input, send
comments and email addresses of any others who may be
interested to Vesta with a copy to Terry.

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.                 GREETINGS FROM                  .
.                Vancouver Island                 .
.              BEAUTIFUL B.C. CANADA              .

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