Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995


_| TCA |_            B E T W E E N   Y O U R S E L V E S
_|\| AIR |/|_                   N E T L E T T E R
>  CANADA   <
>_./|\._<                   for Air Canada retirees
Our crew is: Chief Pilot  - Vesta Stevenson
Co-pilot     - Terry Baker

number 202     date Oct 21st 1997


Marg Firby who we welcomed in NetLetter nr 201
sends us this bio -
' My husband Gord F joined Air Canada in spring of
1953 and retired in 1986. He passed away in 1991,
but I still consider myself a part of the TCA/Air
Canada community. Sincerely, Marg Firby'


. In case you have missed it - in NetLetter nr 194 dated Sept 4th we
changed the title of our NetLetter from 'Between Ourselves' to
'Between Yourselves' - it seems that Air Canada wanted it back as
it appeared again in the Sept edition of Horizons.

With this in mind, Bob Robbins of Ottawa Pionairs sends us this -

'As for the (subtle) name change here's something I came across
the other day.  It's the Editorial column of the June 1964 issue
of "Between Ourselves".


About the only people in the world who enjoy changing their
names are new brides;  and it's doubtful if the bridegrooms'
names have anything to do with their decisions.  Probably
the  thing that counts most is the reputation of the individual
-- not his name.
A similar situation exists in the case of the Company changing
its name to AIR CANADA.  Trans-Canada Air Lines has always had a
proud reputation and under the new name will undoubtedly have a
bright and exciting future.  Why can we be so certain?  Because,
this Company of ours has the kind of people in it who are
accustomed to change.
Throughout its more than 27 years' history many changes have
taken place. Some of these changes were hard to accept at first,
but it was these changes that added to our reputation and made
our Company great.
At first it will be unfamiliar to refer to TCA as AIR CANADA.
This is understandable because many employees have come to think
of TCA as an important part of their lives. To the newer ones it
will be much easier to change without experiencing too much
nostalgia for the past.  But if we are to continue to keep our
Company in the forefront in the aviation industry, we must all
think positively about the new name we have accepted.  We must
admit that AIR CANADA describes our scope of operation much
better than the old one did.
AIR CANADA has already gained identification in Europe where
the Company has been recognized by this name for many years.
Now it is our responsibility to make it known across Canada and
One of the best ways to accomplish this is to be proud of it.
We must do our part to give AIR CANADA a meaning to the public
and the air transportation industry.  If we do, it won't be long
before AIR CANADA  will become a household word wherever we go.
We have the same people -- the same excellent service -- the
same superior aircraft as before.  Nothing has been changed --
except the name!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I'm pretty sure that was written by "B.O." Editor Ed Thackray.
And I'm even more sure that the newly-named Netletters have a
great future ahead of them.  Thank you Vesta!  Thank you Terry!
Bob Robbins
(Thank you Bob for taking time to copy this article from the
past issue of 'Between Ourselves' for all of us to share - eds)


. News from the Districts.

Fall Luncheon
Place: Viscount Gort Hotel - 1670 Portage Ave
- Merrie Monarch Room.
***Date: Oct 23,1997.
Time: Cash bar opens at 11:45 am followed by a hot smorgasborg
lunch at 1:00 pm.
Cost: $11.00 per person which includes taxes and gratuity.
Cheques may be made out to "Air Canada Pionairs, " and sent to
Stephanie Mandzie, 591 Campbell St., Winnipeg, MB, R3N 1C2
Tickets will be held at the door for you.
Telephone  489-3060.  Please don't forget a TIN FOR THE BIN
- any non- perishable food is acceptable.
Monetary donations are also welcome.
Guest Speakers: Three members of the Pionair National Executive
in Toronto will be attending to let us know how
plans are going for next years Annual General
Meeting, May 17th,18th and 19th at the Colony
Hotel, Toronto.
If anyone has questions re the Pension Plan please drop Stephanie
a line and it will be forwarded to Roy McCormack, Treasurer
of Pionairs.  He is one of the above members and will try to give
you an answer at the luncheon.

Where else but at our usual convenient location:
The Quality Inn, Sussex,on the Trans Canada Highway
just east of the junction with highway 1 from Saint John
1300 hrs ****Thursday Oct 23rd.
Once again the lunch will be a reasonably priced buffet with the
menu careful selected by a renowned team of Saint John culinary
experts, aka Frank and Olive Cogger.
We had a good turnout last Spring - lets see if we can do as well,
if not better this time. As usual the Inn will need to know
how may are coming, so let your contact know.


Fall Luncheon.
Buffet Vichy Bar, 2901 Taschereau Est Blvd, St. Hubert, QC
(514) 465-0519
Very special price CA$4.95 yes that's CA$4.95 pp.
When:  Oct 28th at 11.30 am.
Call Herb Guilfoyle at (514)696-5286.
Visiting Pionairs more than welcome.   


. Found on the Internet.

They must be loving life in Seattle.  While the world's largest
manufacturer of civilian airliners is going through some growing
pains, the problems Boeing has are not the kind that other airframe
makers are used to.
Among them, Boeing's Commercial Airplane Group said last week
it will be forced to delay delivery of 12 jets -- seven 737s, four
747s and one 757 -- from the third quarter of 1997 to the fourth due
to parts shortages and problems with subcontractors brought about by
the continued push for increased production rates, as well as the
need to more fully integrate and train new employees hired or
brought aboard recently.  Regardless, the big B still plans to have
delivered between 340 and 350 aircraft during 1997.
That's a lot of recycled beer cans.

Now comes this timely reminder to keep your seat belt buckled when
seated aboard an airliner.  Last Sunday, a United 747 with 301 pax
and a crew of 18 launched from Chicago's O'Hare for Tokyo but landed
at Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. an hour later after one passenger's
head struck an overhead storage bin and a flight attendant injured
her knee as a result of an encounter with turbulence.
Two other pax were also injured.


. Interline stuff

Helene Seiz has pointed out that the Manager, Pass Bureau we
mentioned in NetLetter nr 201 should have been Gerry Philbrook
- sorry!

Princess Cruises -
Orient Cruise - 14 day on Sky Princess departs Dec 9th itinerary:
Singapore, Kuala Lumpar, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh,
Brunai, Kota Kinabalu, Manila, Canton, Hong Kong.
Cost US$699 pp/dbl.
- Reverse of above on same vessel departs Nov 25th
Cost US$749 pp/dbl.
Holy Land - 14 day on Pacific Princess departs Dec 2nd itinerary:
Venice, Rhodes, Cyprus, Galilee, Jerusalem, Tel
Aviv, Port Said.
Cost US$831 pp/dbl.
- 14 day on Island Princes departs Dec 1st from Athens
Cost US$818 pp/dbl and departure from Rome Nov 17th
Cost US$824 pp/dbl.

For more details call DARGAL at 1-800-690-3223 and mention Pionairs.


. Smilie.

Overworked air traffic controller responding to the disoriented
student pilot of a single-engine Cessna calling on 121.5 MHz on a
busy Saturday:
"Lost aircraft, say position."


.  That's it for this time, please we need your input, send
comments and email addresses of any others who may be
interested to Vesta with a copy to Terry.

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|  Between Yourselves     |______________ \______====== )-+
|       NetLetter         |                      ~~~|/~~  |
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~Between Yourselves-Netletter~
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.                 GREETINGS FROM                  .
.                Vancouver Island                 .
.              BEAUTIFUL B.C. CANADA              .

NetLetter Subscription
