Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995


_| TCA |_              B E T W E E N   O U R S E L V E S
_|\| AIR |/|_                   N E T L E T T E R
>  CANADA   <
>_./|\._<                   for Air Canada retirees
Our crew is: Chief Pilot  - Vesta Stevenson
Chief Navigator  - Terry Baker

number 173      date June 26th 1997
What's going on and Where?

Friday  June 27, 1997
Ottawa, KoffeeKlatsches, Family Restaurant,
Carlingwood Shopping
Sherbrooke, Que, Canadian Heart - CF-TCC.
Saturday  June 28, 1997
Sherbrooke, Que, Canadian Heart - CF-TCC Continues
Sunday  June 29, 1997
Sherbrooke, Que, Canadian Heart CF-TCC continues
Monday  June 30, 1997
Oshkosh EAA Air Show
Tuesday  July 1, 1997
Kelowna/Vernon 10am Coffee&Chat @ Muffin Break.
Oshkosh Air Show contd
Prestwick, Lunch at St Nicholas Hotel
Wednesday  July 2, 1997
Oshkosh Air Show contd
Thursday  July 3, 1997
Montreal, Lunch @ Chenoy's Pte Claire
Oshkosh Air Show contd


. Bob Robbins, Director of the Ottawa District Pionairs sends us an
update of the AGM held recently in Montreal -

Hello folks

For Anne and myself the AGM was  VERY worthwhile.  Especially
seeing a lot of old friends and doing such things with them as
sightseeing, eating, schmoozing in the lobby, and of course a lot
of catching up on what's been happening to us and ours since last
we met.  Also, it was great getting to know many others who we'd
not known before.
The two full morning's of AGM business meetings just whizzed
by,  although the opening of the first one was heartbreaking.
Henry Langdon and his wife had been with us at the reception the
evening  before, actively circulating with many friends.
The next morning Fraser Muir had to break the news that Henry had
taken ill and died that night.
Doug Lovatt, Director, Pension and Employee Benefits was the
keynote speaker of the Monday morning.  He concentrated on the
status of our health plans.  Members of our National Executive
reported on their areas of responsibility.
Monday evening's dinner dance was great.  The whole evening's
music by the 12 or so in the band was "our kind of jazz" that kept
many dancing, and the rest of toes tapping. In my opinion Don Wylie
should have a prize for "the man most on the dance floor".
Tuesday morning 40 lucky people spent three hours touring the
AC Base. Among the highlights: watching  a 747-400 emergency slide
deploy in seconds; exploring the inside of the monster with all
seats out and most of its guts visible; exploring the inside and
cockpit of CF-TCC; examining and touching a $20,000 compressor
blade of a 767 engine.
That evening two big busloads of us went to the "Gouverneur's
Feast".  Great entertainment, good food and camaraderie.
Highlight of Wednesday morning's business meeting was
round-table dialogue between the Pionars present, and the team of
VP Human Resources Paul Garratt - Doug Lovatt, Roger Clark
(Director, Personnel Services & Employee Relations) and Irene
Vazalinskas (Manager, Industry Travel).  There was a rich exchange
of "the facts of life" that could have gone on into the afternoon.
However it was necessary to conduct the election of the
National Executive.  Olie Moore of Toronto,  and his slate of
officers were proposed and elected by acclamation.
Wednesday evening's cocktail reception and banquet marked the
wind-up of a great four days.
Among our guests were President and CEO Lamar Durrett and Mrs.
Durrett; Chairman Emeritus Claude Taylor and Mrs. Taylor;
a former President John Baldwin and Mrs. Baldwin.
Mr. Durrett shared much of the content of his report to the
shareholders at the  Company's recent AGM.
Norm Donnelly and Ron Vigars thanked him.
We wound up with warm thanks to Fraser and Joan Muir and their
team for their splendid work throughout two demanding years.
We found the Radisson Hotel was excellent in every respect.
The US Pionairs had a meeting one of the afternoons. They
discussed with Headquarters people such matters as the  AC US
Pension Fund, and their Health Plan.
We would bet that as word gets around about what a great AGM
this was, most of those attending and many others will gather for
1998's AGM in Toronto. It will be a three-day event, and thus less
expensive. It will be held in the wonderfully-refurbished Colonade
Hotel, behind the Eaton Center, on May 17, 18, 19.
Bob Robbins
(Thanks for the update Bob - What was the attendance figure? - eds)


. In Netletter nr 171 we put in a request for information reagarding
a model kit for Lockheed L10A (CF-TCC), Don Demeza sends a copy
of his response  to Mike Leduc -
I don't think there's a kit available Mike but Capt Doug
Anderson drew detailed plans which were featured in the Canadian
Aviation Historical Society Journal Vol 24 No1 Spring 86.
I have several copies of this plan and have always wanted to
build the model. The plan includes complete detail - all airfoil
and fuselage sections and I feel a six to seven foot wing would
be about right - this will provide a 5 to 6 inch nacelle to
contain a couple of 40 size motors. This particular issue
featured with excellent articles by Jack Dyment and Lindy Rood.
I'm sure you can obtain copies but if not I think I may have a
spare. Their address in 86 was Box 224, Willowdale, Ont. M2N 5S8.
I was surprised to note that the full scale airfoil is Clark Y -
very thick - lots of lift -  would make a slow flying aircraft on
the  approach.  Let me know how you make out.
Regards    Don Demeza


. Found on the internet.


Airbus has announced during the show an agreement with Northwest
Airlines covering the sale of 50 A319s and options on 100 more.
The 125 seat A319 is a derivative of the 144 seat A320 of which
50 are already operated by Northwest and a further 20 on order.
The European manufacturer also announced a similar agreement with
Brazilian airline TAM over 5 A330-200 and an additional 5 options.
Long standing Airbus customer Monarch Airlines also announced it
had ordered 2 A330-200 as well as an equal number of A321.
As expected, Airbus also launched the newest A340 derivates the
long range high gross weight A340-600 is aimed at replacing earlier
B747s and is part of Airbus' answer to the B747-400.
Boeing does not intend to let Airbus take all the initiative
however. According to the American manufacturer, its B777-200X
aircraft will offer even more range than the A340-500.
Boeing would be building a record 40 aircraft a month this year to
keep up with demand, while Airbus Industries expects to deliver
185 aircraft during the year.

In a decision which surprised many, American Eagles decided to
split its order for 67 jet aircraft between the two competing
manufacturers, Canadair and Embraer. The American Airlines regional
subsidiary ordered 42 50 seat EMB-145 aircraft from Brazilian
manufacturer Embraer and 25 70 seat RJ-700 from Canadair of Canada.
In addition to firm orders, American Eagles also took options for
25 EMB-145s and a same number of RJ-700s.

Belgian airline Sabena is seeking to relocate its pilots to a
foreign country to avoid paying high social security taxes.
Belgium has one of the highest social security tax level among
European Union countries. The airline estimates it could save up to
US$55.9 millions per year if it were to relocate its 500 pilots to
another country for tax purposes.

Airline Hotel -
The airline crew hotel being developed by Richmond based
International Airline Terminals will be under construction later
this year in Vancouver. The hotel designed and decorated for
international airline personnel with be built near the Westminster
Highway. The units will be larger than normal hotel suites and will
contain special amenities desired by the airlines that will be
using them. The hotel will be extra secure, include an in-house
movie theatre, pilots briefing lounge, exercise room and fully
equipped medical centre. A dedicated shuttle service will run
between the hotel and the airport terminal.


. Smilies.

A long line of planes are lined up on the taxiway when a new comer
to the line taxis up to one of the intersecting points and calls
the tower that he's ready.  For some reason the controller clears
him for takeoff ahead of all the others who were waiting.
As he takes the runway, he keys the mike (talking to the waiting
aicraft) and says "How do you like them apples."
As he begins his roll, the sound of a cockpit fire alarm is heard
over the radio.  The pilot of the departing aircraft thinking the
sound is coming from his plane and not the radio aborts the take
An unidentified voice says "How do you like them apples!"


.  That's it for this time, please we need your input, send
comments and email addresses of any others who may be
interested to Vesta with a copy to Terry.

747-400                         |
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Air Canada Pionairs ~Between Ourselves-Netletter~
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.                 GREETINGS FROM                  .
.                Vancouver Island                 .
.              BEAUTIFUL B.C. CANADA              .

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