Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

The NetLetter #949
Since Oct/95 Nov 18, 2006


Number 949

About us!

Remember when?

Sheila Moscoe's Trip - continued

Flight Attendant History

Reader Feedback

Air Canada Charitable Foundation



NetLetter Archives

About us!

Since October 1995, Vesta Stevenson and Terry Baker have been issuing an email newsletter for those ex Air Canada types who have provided us with their email addresses. The Newsletter was created by Vesta, who gave the name 'NetLetter' and added 'Between Ourselves' - a TCA periodical with which you are probably familiar with from the 50's and 60's. It was then changed to "Between Yourselves" to avoid confusion when "Horizons" resurrected the name. Then finally simplified to just "The NetLetter".

We believe that our NetLetter, which originates from Vancouver Island, was the FIRST to use this medium to disperse information for retirees of Air Canada.

The NetLetter contains airline related information such as anecdotes or stories supplied by some of the recipients, Internet tips, travel news, cheap... excuse me, "inexpensive" accommodations, tours, interline travel, and, in some small way, we help keep our Air Canada family together and in touch.

Our 'NetLetter' is NOT sponsored by any Pionair group, nor are we seeking any financial support, only the Internet email addresses of those who would like to receive our 'NetLetter'. Please forward this to other retirees who can then subscribe right from the forwarded link at the bottom of this email.

Dear NetLetter,

Welcome to the 949th issue of "NetLetter". We now estimate that the NetLetter is read by over 2736 retirees when counting our email distribution and those that print the NetLetter and give them out to their friends.

The "NetLetter" is written by Vesta Stevenson and Terry Baker from Vancouver Island (see sidebar) and published courtesy of the ACFamily Network at www.acfamily.net

  • Remember when?
  • Vesta

    Some Air Canada firsts -
    - Air Canada was one of the first airlines to have its entire fleet of unpressurized aircraft equipped with fixed oxygen systems for use by flight crew and passengers, using the rebreathing bag principle.

    - Air Canada was the first airline to operate a jet freighter with the introduction of the DC-8.

    - Air Canada became the first major airline with an all turbine fleet which allowed an increase in productivity and reduction in maintenance costs.

    - Air Canada became the first airline in the world to introduce a system-wide Non-Smoking policy.

    - Air Canada in 1953 became the first airline to operate a Computer reservations system with remote terminals called ReserVec.

  • Sheila Moscoe's Trip - continued
  • Sheila Moscoe has sent us anther episode of her saga started in NetLetter nr 946 -

    This has been one helluva trip! After we left Durban, we sailed for 4 days to Nosy Be, Madagascar in the Mozambique Channel. This was a laid back town, with lots of ladies selling beautiful embroidered table cloths and clothing. The local people were very friendly, but I couldn't understand their Malagasy language, but did manage some French. We didn't have any Malagasy Frank to use, but they accepted USD. Had a beer at a local saloon, then lunch on the porch of another restaurant and we watched the world go by. The women wear very colourful clothing, and they even carry their children's school books on their heads. But the town closed down for 3 hours from noon to 1500hr!

    After we left Nosy Be, we had a day at sea, then arrived at Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean. This island is an Overseas Department of France, with French as the official language, of course. But Creole is widely used. And their currency is the Euro.

    We took a bus tour up into the mountains with lovely waterfalls along the way. Even though it was the dry season, it was still very lush. We stopped at a family owned vanilla plantation and learned how the flower is cultivated by hand, and after 5 years when the pods are dry, they're sold to a distributor who processes the vanilla into a powder or liquid and exported to France. Now we know why vanilla is so expensive!
    The next day, we arrived in Mauritius, and their government is a Parliamentary Democracy and their currency is the Mauritian rupee. English is widely spoken, along with French, Creole, Hindi, Urdu, Hakka and Bhojpuri. We had a lot of fun shopping there as the rupee went a very long way!

    I went to an Internet place to write all of you a letter and after one hour of composing and typing, the letter got lost in cyberspace. I was mortified. With the next 8 days at sea coming up, I didn't want to use the internet on the ship, as it costs $.50 a minute (or $30 an hour). It was only $3 an hour at the Internet place. So, that's why you hadn't heard from me before.
    After spending 8 delightful days at sea under blue sunny skies we arrived today in Fremantle (Perth) Australia.
    Last night was Halloween and Shirley and I hosted a cocktail party in our stateroom and invited our tablemates. Nancy and Shirley helped decorate our room, and we had one helluva good time. I think my mask really scared them all! In fact, when we entered the dining room, people were staring at us, and clapping their hands as we walked through.

    The ship was decorated from aft to forward with all kinds of ghosts, balloons, spiders and cobwebs. They had a party later in the evening, but we had already called it a night. With all these time changes, about 7 of them since we left Cape Town, I think it was finally catching up to us.

    Anyhow, here we are in Fremantle. Lovely port town which we saw by taking 'the Hop On and Off' bus while the driver narrated. We only got off once and stayed downtown and shopped and ate, and then came in here.
    So, now we leave with 3 days at sea, then we head to Adelaide.
    Weather is in the 20's. Food's good (too good) and life's great!

    Will write again when I get a chance.
    Hope you're all well,
    Love, Sheila

  • Flight Attendant History
  • April Tredgett sends us details of her book - CANADIAN MAPLE WINGS ASSOCIATION: Flight Attendant History
    Editor, April Tredgett. Private Publishing. 2005.

    Publication of a 500-page volume of flight attendant memoirs. The 133 storytellers offer lively, informative, and amusing insights into their work experiences during the formative years of TCA/Air Canada.

    Jacket cover photo, graduating class on a downtown Montreal street, 1951.

    Layout , photographs and jacket cover, Underline Studio, Toronto

    Format: 3-ring binder form 8-1/2" by 10"; the pages are 6" by 9". (The binder style was chosen with the thought of adding to the book, and such interest has already been expressed by various TCA/AC flight attendants across the country.)

    Black and white edition $40
    Special colour edition $80
    Plus $10 Canada Post and packaging.

    Contact April Tredgett for more information.
    April Tredgett - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Reader Feedback
  • Glen Cawker sends us some of his memories -
    Subject: Lethbridge

    Hi!... As a Purser-Steward on the Atlantic, I transferred back to WG in '49, on that 'milkrun', (7 stops to XD). The 1949 and subsequent route from WG was Westbound thru' BR to QR,(or WG to YV then QR), then YN, XH, XL, YC,XD [Municipal, not EG at Leduc]. Eastbound would reverse the order, of course.

    Anyway, I was told about a DC-3 approaching flare for touchdown, at Lethbridge, that took the stake-box off of the back of a farm truck . There was a road at 90° very close to the East end of the runway. The starboard wheel did the box damage, the port wheel passed in front of the truck cab. A/C landed OK. They never found who the farmer was, because he was too frightened to report the incident. Does anyone know the truth re this? (maybe Capt Ralph Nixon, or Capt. Frank Parker would know if the 'guys' were kidding me)

    I do remember Capt Ted Briggs nicking the props on a '3', on a landing either in rough weather or due to rough handling. For example, I had a passenger say to me one day as we taxiied out.." I see that Capt Briggs is in charge today", because the passenger could tell by the relatively rough handling while 'Briggs' was taxiing the A/C. He was infamous, and fired due to the 'prop' incident. Check it out....Glen.
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    (We will be happy to pass along anyone's memories of working at TCA/AC - eds)

  • Air Canada Charitable Foundation
  • The Air Canada Employees' and Retirees' Charitable Foundation has started its Campaign for Funds again for this year.

    To find out more, or if you would like to donate, please visit www.acecf.ca

  • Sponsors
  • The hosting and mailing of the NetLetter as well as the conversion to HTML format is provided compliments of the ACFamily Network and Nerds On Site. Content is researched and submitted by Vesta Stevenson and Terry Baker. Thank you for letting us into your homes!

    Please support the ACFamily Network
  • Submissions
  • Important reminder, for all new articles, submissions and or comments for the "The Netletter" please send to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Please add to your Address Books).

    This e-mail address has been set up so that both of us Terry & Vesta (exclusively) will get an automatic copy and so we can keep up with the continuity of news for the NetLetter.

    To make changes to your e-mail address or to unsubscribe, please see the links at the bottom of the page for "Update Profile/Email address" and SafeUnsubscribe. This is now automated so that you can remove yourself from the list or change your email address (or name) without our assistance. We will still do this manually if you have any difficulties.

    Many of our members are having difficulty finding these links. You will need to scroll to the bottom of the page, the link is similar to the following image. (The image below doesn't work but your links at the bottom will).

    Vesta, Terry and Alan thank you for your co- operation.

  • NetLetter Archives
  • The archives of the NetLetter are kept on the ACFamily Network Forums area. They are in plain text format so you can print them from there if desired. If you are not a member of the ACFamily Network yet, we encourage you to join us there. Non members can Register here. (It's Free!)

    NetLetter Archives Link
    email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    NetLetter Subscription
