Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Vesta's Corner
Vesta Stevenson
OceanWorks, of Encinitas, Calif., says it has a solution for the San Diego Airport Authority, which has tried for years to find a site for a new airfield in crowded Southern California. The company is proposing to build an airport 10 miles off the coast. "The offshore option is the best and apparently the only viable one for San Diego," says OceanWorks CEO Adam Englund. "We aim to make it the most secure, self-sustaining, economically vibrant, and greenest airport ever built." On Monday, OceanWorks sent a notice of claim to federal, state and local agencies to gain exclusive rights to 40,000 square miles of ocean for the purpose of developing, building and operating an international airport. Proposals for getting passengers to the airport include fast ferries, a floating bridge, and underground or underwater tunnels. Advantages to the offshore site include eliminating noise complaints and enabling aircraft to land safely even in foggy conditions, the company said. In its claim, the company says it intends to use the area for an airport and also for industrial, commercial, farming and residential uses "up to and including ocean-based metropolises." Englund estimates the airport would cost $20 billion, according to KNBC News. Japan currently operates five offshore airports, but they are closer to shore and all have an aboveground connection with the mainland.

This week's postcard is from my co-pilot and his wife - Terry and Dawn.

Sent June 2006 during their cruise in the Baltic.


Here's a Interesting Future Watch item.
No Room For An Airport? It's A Big Ocean
Need to know
From the Daily -
Make your summer travel a great experience for all! It's now peak summer travel season and contingent travel can be a challenge. We want to make your travel experience as smooth and easy as possible for you and for your colleagues in the operation. Here are some tips and reminders to pack along with your suitcas and enjoy your holidays!

* Checking-in - Save time by checking in for your flight before leaving for the airport. Whenever possible, use Air Canada's web check-in, available up to 24 hours prior to departure, or use the Express Check-in kiosks at the airport.

* At the gate - Remember, the number 1 rule of employee travel is to respect the needs of our revenue customers. Please allow the gate agents to do their jobs properly, and wait until they call your name. There is no need to list yourself on more than one flight, as the standby passenger list is automatically transferred from one flight to the next.

* Dress code - Please ensure you and all travellers under your profile read and know the dress code, and exercise good judgement in choices of attire. It is the responsibility of our gate agents to deny boarding to any employee or partner who is not appropriately dressed.

* On board - The in-flight crew's first priority is the safety of all customers on board, followed by looking after the needs of our revenue customers. If a crew member asks for your assistance such as changing seats with a customer due to a seat or in-flight entertainment issue, please cooperate. Keep your checked bags secure by ensuring that they contain no valuables, and be sure to place an ID tag inside your bag. And, if you do have carry on, please try to place it under the seat in front of you, wherever possible, in order to leave space for revenue customers in the cabin. Remember that due to operational reasons, you might not be served a meal if travelling in J Class. Keep in mind that any buy-on-board services are not complimentary for any employees or retirees, whether they are on duty, deadheading, travelling for business or for personal reasons. When travelling, we can all help ensure our aircraft are kept clean by handing back our newspapers and headsets and by keeping our seat area tidy. If you spot anything that needs immediate attention, advise a flight attendant or send an e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

* At destination - Ensure you have all the documents you need at destination such as visas - visa fines are hefty. Also, we suggest you acquire reduced ZED fare tickets prior to leaving. Those, which are not used, can be fully or partially refunded. Keep in mind that even if the flights you are listing on show available seats, there may be load restrictions as a result of the weight and balance and heavy cargo.

* Special considerations: Dublin & Shannon - If you are planning travel to Dublin this summer the following information is important for you to know. Air Canada does not have carriage rights between Dublin & Shannon. Therefore, standby passengers will not be boarded out of Dublin unless the flight is at least 10 per cent open out of Shannon. Back up tickets/zed fares are a must with the busy summer travel season upon us. Bogota: There is a weight limitation on flights from Bogota due to heavy cargo loads. Employees are strongly encouraged to make alternate arrangements such as having ZED tickets in hand.

Our 70 Years

70 year Anniversary
1957 - Orders were placed for 20, and later 23, Vickers Vanguard aircraft. the C$67 million commitment was, at the time, the largest single export dollar order placed in postwar Britain.

June 1st, daily non-stop service YYZ-YVR Constellation flights commenced.Sept 29th YYZ-LHR non-stop service introduced.Viscount service introduced to all transcontinental flights.
Readers Feedback
Could anyone recommend places to stay ( affordable) but safe in London. Perhaps small hotels or B&B's . My Daughter and her family and myself will be going over in the spring and wish to book a place .
I would appreciate the help there will be three adults and two teenagers so enough beds for same or two rooms with 2 double beds.in each.
Would greatly appreciate any leads. Thanking you in advance I remain.
Sincerely, Margaret Bartlett This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mary Stewart sets the record straight -
Subject: Re: The NetLetter #983
From: Mary Stewart
Thanks for another excellent edition of the Netletter. Just FYI. I think the information regarding the Aeroplan miles on fares is incorrect. Tango Plus is a higher fare than Tango and definitely earns more Aeroplan miles than Tango does.
Best regards,
Mary Stewart
Former Manager, Employee Communications & Horizons editor

Marty Vanstone sends this correction -
It may be your source or a typo, but I suggest that the date of CPAL's proving flight to Japan & China is incorrect. According to David Bain's history of CPAL, that flight left from Vancouver on April 19, 1949.
Marty Vanstone

Cleve Beeler wrote:
You sure brought back memories in the 980th issue when you mentioned the tely tape pictures sent out at Xmas and other occasions. I was a radio operator in the military stationed in Whitehorse in the early to mid sixties and then went to work for AC as a radio operator in Dorval from 66 to 74. I worked basically in the same office as you in Dorval. Just as a note do you remember how greasy the chad from the tapes was, well when I was married in Whitehorse in 1963 the boys used teletype chad as confetti, they also put lots of it in our luggage, we walked around with stained clothing for a long time after we were married. We enjoy the NetLetter and hope you keep up the good work. Cleve and Lorna Beeler This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

and our chief pilot Vesta responded -
Hi Cleve; Yes we all used those chads as confetti not realizing the consequences of our efforts. Nice to meet you again, I guess you are referring to the new terminal at the time,aka P.E.T and not the transat terminal? I was transferred to YYZ in '71.
Here it is 2007 and I'm sitting here using my laptop in beautiful Victoria a far cry from Dorval airport.

Alan MacLeod responds to the information supplied by George Brien -
In NetLetter 982 you mention MCA having operated the route Charlottetown-Greenwood-Yarmouth in the 40's. I remember talking with Capt. RW (Bob) Mills a few years ago. Bob was a long-time Chief Pilot and manager for MCA during that era,and he did mention to me that the route was operated but only for a very short period.
I enjoy reading your and other folks' stories. Although I didn't work with MCA I knew a lot of people who did. Interesting times. Yes, I'm sure Fred Coyle is correct in saying "you wouldn't have your car towed in the hangar and be warmed up by Herman Nelson these days"
Capt.Alan MacLeod,long Retired
HUDSON QC This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Trev Trower sends us this memory -
I wonder if other Pursers have the experiences, which so easily seem to have
become my lot. I am almost certain that if I told all of the unusual events
that I have been party to, my reputation for honesty would be doubted. It's
a little strange that an experience like this one, which took place nearly a
half century ago, can be re-cycled occasionally in my dreams.

We were having dreadful weather that night in December 1957. Our flight
to London England was delayed until the blizzard conditions had improved and
the runways had been plowed. We were lined up at the old overseas terminal (Transat) of Dorval Airport, Montreal. British Overseas Airways, then known as
B.O.A.C., had a Strato-Cruiser out on the tarmac, scheduled to leave at
19:00 for the same destination. Our flight departure time crept nearer and
nearer and the snow fell thicker and thicker, we could only see the aircraft
from time to time during lulls in the storm. The Cabin crew comprised our
Purser John Arpin, Stewardess E. B. Campbell R.N., and myself Trev Trower,
Flight Steward. Every seat on our plane was sold and the passengers were
milling about the check-in counter trying to find out if we would be leaving
at 18:30 as scheduled.

We were approaching the time for boarding. I caught the eye of the
passenger agent on duty she shook her head in my direction, and began to
make a delay announcement. Ladies and Gentlemen she began in a comforting voice we are sorry to advise you that T.C.A. flight 856, Super
Constellation service to London England will be delayed for approximately
one hour on account of heavy snow conditions, further information will be
given as it becomes available. The aircraft is prepared for departure with
meals and fuel, Coffee will be available complimentary at the terminal snack
bar, Thank You.

In those days this type of announcement was sufficient to satisfy most
of the passengers; but First Class passenger Mr. Kliptik with his young
good-looking companion came up to the counter and in a loud and abusive
voice demanded his money back as he threw the tickets of his and his friend,
at the passenger agent. Two tickets in first class return to the U.K. were
over four thousand dollars. 'excuse me Mr. Kliptik Miss Brown, I'll fetch the
supervisor. As soon as the supervisor arrived on the scene the abuse started
again and I was relieved that the refund was made and that these two
unpleasant people would not be traveling with us.

I watched Mr Kliptik and Miss Brown make their way to the British
Airways counter and using the refund, purchase two F.C. seats on the
Strato-Cruiser. They made a point of strolling past the T.C.A. counter, and
flourishing the B.O.A.C. blue-colored tickets which they had just purchased.
A short time after, the clipped British accent came over the public address
system with this message.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please, British Airways
Corporation regret to advise that our Strato-Cruiser service to London
tonight has been cancelled, a mechanical failure on one of the engines
requires several hours attention, we are planning a noon tomorrow

Following the British announcement there was an immediate rush to the
T.C.A. counter where many people tried to convert their travel plans to
Canadian, it was with some regret that this wasn't possible as only two
first class seats were available. Mr. Kliptik made his way to the counter
holding his blue tickets, and asked the agent to convert to the Canadian
flight, the agent who had been so recently abused by this man, replied
"excuse me sir, I'll see if we have any space then took off through the door marked Staff Only and sat at the little staff kitchenette and had a cup of tea. A few minutes later she returned to her work station and completed the transaction for Kliptik and Brown. Have a nice flight she said as she handed him his tickets and boarding pass, seats 1C and 1D.

(to be continued - eds)
(I'm as anxious to read the continuance of this saga as you are as I was probably working upstairs in AC Operations Tely at this time early 50 years ago!!! Vesta. (ps I didn't get a copy of the original for one reason or other but Terry did, thank goodness

George Brien has dug up this news article -
From the Saint John Telegraph Journal Dec 7 , 1951
T.C.A soon to start Fredericton service
Ottawa Dec 6 1951 - CP-

TCA shortly will begin a new service into Fredericton NB and will give up its Halifax Yarmouth Pennfield run to Maritime Central Airways.

The service will be established at Lincoln Airport.

The Transportation Department announced today decision by the Air Transport
Board to issue new licenses to make the changeover.

Transport Minister Chevier said in a statement that the changes would be in
the best interest of the public and commercial aviation generally in
establishing a more balanced relationship between mainline and local
services and providing a continuing pattern for the development of scheduled
services of both TCA and MCA within the Maritime Provinces.

TCA made application to provide service to Fredericton at the hearing for
application by the board sitting in Fredericton, in Oct , it was apparent
the Transport Dept said , that granting such a license would reduce traffic
on the service that presently is provided by MCA over the Moncton
Fredericton Saint John route. Accordingly, it was decided to transfer TCA?s
Halifax- Yarmouth -Pennfield run to MCA.

At Saint John last night, Hugh M McElliott, TCA District Traffic and Sales
Manager for southern NB , said that the new service to Lincoln Airport will
be started as soon as possible , early in the new year, and initially it
will include one flight east and one west daily of the mainline
transcontinental service. Lincoln is expected to be added to a stop on one
of the Montreal St. John's flights already landing at Moncton.

He said details of the handover of the Halifax -Yarmouth- Pennfield service
have yet to be worked out.

TCA are soon moving its Saint John service from Pennfield Airport to Saint
John AirPort and expects service to increase to Saint John as traffic
increases with the shift.

Pennfield now has 10 flights a day, three to Montreal, two to Boston and
five easterly flights bound to Halifax or Nfld- which will not be affected
by the addition of Fredericton.

Two other flights come into the Maritime Provinces ,stopping at Moncton, and
Fredericton is expected to be added to the schedule for one of these

The TCA service from Halifax to Yarmouth and Pennfield is now part of the
Boston flight and it is expected that when this service is passed over to
MCA, already operating out of the Saint John Airport, Saint John may become
the terminus of the Boston flight.

The MCA service on this route would feed passengers to Saint John for
connections to Boston and Montreal.

The TCA service now operating on the route provides connections at Pennfield
to Montreal.

Mr. McElliott also said that TCA would be assigning a Station manager and
staff at Lincoln as soon as possible and arrangements would probably be made
for a City Ticket Office in Fredericton.

FROM The Telegraph Journal Feb 1 1952

W. G. HimmelmanW. G. Himmelman, newly appointed Station manager for Trans-Canada Airlines, Fredericton, is a native Maritimer, having been born in Lunenburg, N.S. His early experience was gained with the Department of Transport radio division and American Airlines and he joined TCA as a Radio operator at Windsor, Ont in 1942. Mr. Himmelman was subsequently transferred to Halifax and was later appointed Station Manager at Yarmouth N.S., when service was Inaugurated through that station in Apr 1947. He has had the benefit of a wide experience in the aviation industry, particularly in the growth and expansion of Maritime services and this will be assistance in the
development of the airlines operation in Fredericton. Mr. Himmelman will be
joined by his wife and family, David age10 and Ann, age 6 and they will
reside in Fredericton.

These articles transcribed from the Scrapbook of "Bill Arrowsmith" D.O.T
Airport Manager YSJ

Note - Other original employees at YFC included Operations Agents Jack
Geldart, John Gandy and Lou Releeder

I had the pleasure of working with Jack,John and Wilse Himmelman
in the mid 50's

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TCA/AC People Gallery
Between Ourselves 1954The following Photos are from the Between Ourselves Mid Summer 1954 Edition - Do you have any back issues of  "Between Yourselves"? Our goal is to collect the full set and use them here in the NetLetter and eventually scan them all for archiving and genealogy purposes.

If you can give or lend us some back issues, contact "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll let you know how to get them to us.

Bing DavisCaptain "Bing" Davis models the latest in pilot garb. It's an Eisenhower jacket for Captains and First Officers who fly the Bristol aircraft.

Veronica HullVerona Hull, editor of the Canadian Airline Pilot Association magazineis shown at Winnipeg on her first airplane flight. She flew from Winnipeg to Edmonton during 1954.(Between Ourselves Mid 1954)

Exhibit 1954International Trade Fair at Toronto, the TCA booth is being manned by Passenger Agent Walter Ulshoefer. The following TCA officials dropped in on him F.Fulcher, W.R.Campbell, W.G.Wood and J.C.Finley.


J.M. SandgatheSaying farewell to J.M.Sandgathe surrounded by 5 veteran pilots Art Rankin, Walt Fowler, Herb Seagrim, Rene Giguere and Lindy Rood.

CPAir People Gallery

Marty Vanstone points out an error in this information mentioned in NetLetter nr 982 -
- C.P.A.L. proving flight YVR-Japan-China was made by North Star CF-TEP on loan from R.C.A.F. on Apr 19th., 1974
It may be your source or a typo, but I suggest that the date of CPAL's proving flight to Japan & China above is incorrect. According to David Bain's history of CPAL, that flight left from Vancouver on April 19, 1949.
Marty Vanstone
(Thank you Marty for spotting that error - eds)

Noreen SmittFrom the final edition of "Contact" CAIL M & E newsletter -
Noreen Smitt, first female tradesperson to join CP applies a fresh coat to a DC-8 at YVR Ops Bay 3 in 1975, Insert is Noreen in 2000.

DC 10 EngineCP employees review a new DC-10 engine at YVR March 1979.

Last DC10Fin nr 911, the last of Canadi>n's DC-10 being returned to its lessor in Arizona during 2000. l - r on steps are Ken Law, Larry Laidman, Terry Nelson, Roger Frame and David Huang and below are Tom Moeller, Ken Krotz and John Dulmage.

Wardair HangerView in the Wardair hanger at YYZ during mid 1980's.
Remember when? - Nordair
NordairOn January 2nd., 1987 Nordair merged with Canadian Pacific Air Lines.
The history of Nordair stated in 1947 incorporated as Boreal Airways
Limited operating one Norseman. In 1949 a second aircraft, a Fairchild Husky
was purchased.

Nordair Schedule 1959In 1953 the company merged with Central Airways Ltd to form Boreal Air
Services and acquired Mont-Laurier Aviation.

In 1956 Boreal adapts a new corporate identity, Nordair Limited. 1960 saw the
acquisition of Wheeler Airlines 1968 Nordair moved into the jet age with a

The network continued to expand during the next few years and, in 1979
ownership of the company was transferred to Air Canada until 1984 when the
company returned to the private company when Air Canada sold its shares to
Innocan. The corporation becomes Nordair Inc. In 1985 CP purchased a 65% of
Nordair shares. 1986 Nordair invested 35% in a new commuter carrier Nordair
Metro and subsequently joins then same investors for an interest in
Quebecair subsequent to the Quebec governments privatization of the regional
carrier. The Quebec government sold to CPA in 1987.

Frank Dolha and friends 1956Frank Dolha etal at Cache Lake - 1956

Nordair DC4 1962Nordair DC4 in 1962

Queens Crew 1976Transporting Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip for the opening of the Montreal Olympics in 1976. Flight crew l - r
Danielle Raymond, Susanne DuPerron, Carol Boucher, Beverly Biborosch, Marcel
Laurin, FO Bernie DuPerron with Capt. John Smith.

(Source - Expressions final edition of Nordair in-house magazine December
1986 - eds)
Terry's Travel Tips

Terry Baker

Canadian Affair is a travel agency offering flights to and from Gatwick, Manchester and Toronto during September for gbp99.00 one way includes taxes and fuel surcharge. Seat selection for another gbp17.00

Airlines used are Air Transat, My Travel Airways or Thomas Cook Airlines with Airbus A310 or Boeing B757 equipment.

SmileyThis may give you a chuckle, from your co-pilot Terry, first published in NetLetter nr 355 April 1999 -

This is a story that crossed my desk in the 70's, thought it worth
repeating, edited. Author unknown!

The CIA could have done no more research. I had worked out the best
day, weather conditions, non-stop flights, ethnic and religious holidays,
aircraft types and passenger loads. It was perfect. I would fly on a pass
for a short vacation. I have my last first class pass.

I had started planning a week before, 3 separate phone calls to
reservations. I knew exactly how many first class seats were empty, economy
was oversold and how many cons listed. Exact numbers, no show factors ...
I had it all. I had the pattern of the flight, and my decision was made.

Everything was perfect.

'Goodness' I thought. "It's great to work for an airline.'
The expressway was busy, and very likely there would be even more
empty seats as passengers were delayed enroute.

I arrived at the airport 40 minutes before flight time. Smarter than
most revenue passengers, I carried only a flight bag with essentials,  no
lost baggage for me. I was crisp in a suit and tie, not wanting to miss an
opportunity to be in first class.

I presented my pass and settled in across from the gate. I straightened
my tie and watched the passengers check in, noting those smartly dressed
which would indicate other hopeful cons, and assessed their priority in
relation to mine.

Then I heard it. I turned full around to look at several ticket Agents talking. I'd picked up the one word: 'Mechanical'. The earlier flight had been cancelled.

Passengers off the first flight were being put onto my flight. MY flight!
I searched for any threatening non-revs that hoped to board. I saw her as she eased he way to the gate, everything screamed staff, she was too well dressed to be a revenue, bulky carry-on means no suitcase. Her eyes skimmed over me as she approached the desk. Why, oh why, did the agent have to be a guy? Why couldn't it have been a girl!

She smiled at him with everything she had, not even subtle. She laughed all the way to the seat. Naturally she had a skirt with a slit that went all the way up to there when she crossed her legs. And it didn't go unnoticed.

She glanced in my direction, long enough to size up the situation, bulky carry-on, suit, tie who else but an interliner would wear such clothes. I wondered if she had a business pass. That could be bad, but if she was from a competitor airline that could be good.

They were boarding now. Goodness where did all those kids come from? I hate those cheap fares. The last babble of voices were distant now, we were alone. She avoided my eyes. What? They called her! She made it! She swept up the boarding pass and something died in me, I think it was hope. I think I was the only passenger in the whole airport. I could hear the shuffle of the tickets being counted. I was completely ignored .. invisible.

'Oh why do I work for an airline and put myself through this everytime I want to travel' I think ' From now on I'll never  Me? You called me? The last seat? Sure, sure economy is just fine. I made it!
Everyone is seated. They are all looking at me as I walk further
until I reach the toilet door. Not a seat in sight. He's speaking to me: 'Mix up
in seating... terribly sorry.. please bring your carry-ons and follow me'.
I feel guilty, it isn't worth it, never again.

We stop at first class. Oh buddy, please don't embarrass me in and
tell me I am off-loaded, please lets just leave the cabin. What, wrong class,
I'm supposed to be in first class?

I'm seated right next to the girl and she does have a beautiful smile. I return it and relax. I order a Manhattan and sink back in my seat.

We taxi off and my hand tightens around the glass. It was worth it, it's great to be working for an airline, the only way to travel.

NetLetter Subscription
