'Vic' and 'Renée'
NetLetter readers can certainly note that we quite frequently publish content relating to the evolution of aviation in Canada's North. There is a very good reason - it is an endlessly fascinating topic.
So when the 'Featured Video' from this issue popped up on my YouTube subscription, I was delighted to watch this bit of Canadian history.
Far too much info to post here so please take a few moments to watch the video and click the reference links below for details. For this piece I am focusing on just a condensed history of the two aircraft 'Vic' and 'Renée'.
Imperial Oil Company’s Junkers JL-6 G-CADP ('Vic') and G-CADQ ('Renée') were designed and built in Germany and modified in the United States. When Imperial Oil discovered oil at what is now Norman Wells, circa 1921, It required a more efficient way than rail and barge to transport workers and supplies from Edmonton.
The two aircraft were acquired and ferried from New York to Edmonton in the winter of 1920-21. They were given their names by Mrs. A.M. McQueen, wife of Imperial Oil’s vice-president.
G-CADP – 'Vic', named for company president Charles Taylor’s daughter, Victoria.
G-CADQ – 'Renée', named for Taylor’s secretary.
Click the links below for a a couple of great articles on this era: