Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Christmas Lunch 2021 by the UK Pionairs.

We are now planning this year's Xmas lunch which will be held once again at the Best Western Ship Hotel in Weybridge, on Sunday, November 28.

We have received a price and menu for the three-course meal (including tea/coffee and mince pies) from the hotel.

The price has only increased by one pound since our last lunch in 2019.  So, this year, the cost will be £28 per head.

Source: UK Pionairs August newsletter

Sherry Sands posted this on the CP Air Employees Facebook page on August 20, 2021; with this comment -

For those flight attendants who may not be on the CUPE email list.

cpa cupe reunion

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