Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

tmb 550 horizons classic
Issue dated October 1996

Vancouver's "Street Gang" graduates.

Instructor Jannet Tricarico had the challenging task of training new employees to work at Vancouver's airport.

"It's been ten years since we hired 'kids off the street' to work at the airport," says Tricarico. "I had to start from scratch with geography, city codes, time zones and the 24 hour clock! It was an experience but I learned a lot myself. Seeing Air Canada through fresh eyes again reminded me of when I started 23 years ago."

Back row, left to right: Alex Jacques, Faye Smith, Danielle Piccirilli, Treena Neil, Tim Wong, Diana Perry, Anita Li and Scott Au.

Front row, left to right: Lynne Turgeon, Instructor Jannet Tricarico, Maryse Caron and Val Pamart.

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Atlanta staff wished former President and Chief Executive Hollis Harris a fond farewell.

From left to right: Customer Service Agents Daniel Poirier and Bob Argumosa, Hollis Harris, Tom Haggerty, Lead Customer Service Agent and Linda James-Sheffield, Customer Service Agent.

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Lead Station Attendant, in Ottawa, Jim Duncan accepts his 30-year service anniversary pin from Bill Dear, Customer Service Manager, while his colleagues watch the presentation.

From left to right: Les Hibberd, Lead Station Attendant; Station Attendants Dan Goyette and Mike Laflamme; Jim Duncan; Station Attendants Robert Gravel, George Roussos and Gaetan Courehesne; Bill Dear; Station Attendants Robert Cléroux and Greg Dow.

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Jeanne Rivera, Secretary (seated), in Tampa, was honoured by colleagues past present at her retirement party.

From left to right: Marjorie Robertson, Airport Manager - Tampa; John McGilvary, retired; Larry Conway, retired; Eugene Gonsalves, Manager, Customer Service, Reservations - Toronto; David Tangry, Vancouver and Ken Shaw, retired.

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Congratulations to Lead Station Attendant Gary Hughes of Thunder Bay, Ontario, who celebrated his 25th service anniversary.

On hand for the event were:

Back row, left to right: Station Attendants John Youmans, Rick Miller and Grant Hornsby.

Front row. left to right: Station Attendants Frank Filice, John Moro and Gary Hughes; René Gauthier, Manager, Customer Service Operation Control - Prairies; Simon Lancaster, Station Attendant and Byron Halliday, Customer Sales and Service Agent.

tmb 550 gary hughes

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