Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

1984, November 24 – Service between Toronto, Bombay and Singapore commenced.

1984, November 26 - Service between Edmonton Municipal Airport and Calgary International Airport commenced.

horizons logoAn extract from the "Horizons" magazine.

Issue dated October 1984.

Disaster averted at LHR.

Split second reactions and expert handling of fire extinguishing equipment prevented a serious fire at London's Heathrow Airport.

Aircraft Services staff noticed smoke and flames billowing from the engine compartment of a contracted caterer's vehicle positioned at the galley door of a Qantas aircraft, one of the four airlines for which Air Canada performs ground handling. Immediate action was taken.

Jim Rowan, Aircraft Services Supervisor, and Francis Sanchez, Lead Station Attendant, managed to quell the flames using a 350-lb. Ansul ramp fire extinguisher. They were assisted by Phillipe Pearmaine of Iran Air, Stephen Glowack of Nigerian Airways and Malcolm Pillar, Jack McGowan and John Goddard of Aer Lingus.

Air Canada positions fire extinguishers on each stand while servicing an aircraft and provides thorough training and periodic retraining in their use. As a way of thanking everyone involved in the incident, Peter Baldry, Airport Services Manager, hosted a luncheon.

Attending, from the left, are: Derek Glanvill, Station Attendant; Peter Elliot, Qantas Technical Representative; Eddie Gibbons, Load Agent; Paul Cordani, temporary Station Attendant; Kevin Clews, Acting Lead Station Attendant; Station Attendants Mike Dias and Andy Fisher; Tony Coleman, Aircraft Services Manager; Terry Wyatt, Station Attendant; Peter Baldry; Francis Sanchez, and Gary Marsh, Station Attendant.

Jim Rowan and Station Attendant Ken Pownall were unable to attend.

tmb disaster averted at lhr

London staff practice their chopstick techniques and sample some of the many new dishes that have been prepared for the airline's new Far East service.

tmb lhr tasting new food serviceShown from the left are: Jerry Smith, Commissary and Catering Manager; Gerald White, Passenger Agent; Kim Dalrymple, Reservations Agent; Peter Baldry, Airport Services Manager; Sue Davies, Passenger Agent and Kevin Cannon, Reservations Agent.

Here is the report for The Montreal Air Canada Soccer Team which had just wound up an exciting tenth season, and all those who participated in the games and parties are looking forward to more fun in '85.

The season got off to an early start in February when the players went to South Africa.

Air Canada's six team members had not played outdoors for more than five months and they suffered from the effects of the altitude and high temperatures. Nevertheless, they made an excellent showing, making it all the way to the semi-finals. Lufthansa Airlines hosted the next tournament in June.

Competition was stiff between the 20 teams who had come from as far away as Japan and Bolivia. The Air Canada players did very well, coming within one point of making it to the semi-finals.

In August a team of players from Veitch, Austria were Montreal's guests at a reciprocal tournament (Montreal players had visited Austria in 1983). The 24 team members were billeted in local homes and had an opportunity to visit Quebec City and the surrounding countryside. When it came time to play soccer, the competitors were well matched, with the host team eventually winning out 1 to 0.

The past few months have been very busy for soccer players and fans. In September the team hosted a mini tournament. Along with local representation from Dorval and Pointe Claire were teams from Sweden, France and South Africa. Dorval eventually beat out Sweden in a tightly fought match. All in all the event was a great success.

One week later the team headed for Toronto to compete in the system tournament. With wins over Toronto and Calgary, Montreal was well on the way to victory. Unfortunately, its winning streak was cut short by the London, England team.

Montreal players have not hung up their soccer shirts yet. The final arrangements were being made for the tournament in Portugal, tentatively scheduled for November. 

Montreal Air Canada soccer team members are, standing from the left: Louis Basillo, lan Tyer, Jacques Van Den Brande, Reg Laycock, Harry Van Zyl, Cam McGowan, Mike Smith, lan Bentley, Rui Ribiero and Bob Still

In front are, from the left: Bill Dickson, Gunter Voss, Gonrad Aleong, Carlos Araujo, Adam Ritchie, Greg Waniuk, Jerry Brault and David Groom. Missing from the photo is Jim Coote.

tmb yul soccer team x550

Issue dated November 1984.

1984, September 20 Air Canada L-1011 fin # 555 C-GAGI flew Pope John Paul II plus 32 Catholic church officials and 80 invited guests from Ottawa to Rome at the conclusion of the Papal visit to Canada.

The crew consisted of: Captains Tom Thususka and Frank Chowham, Second Officer Reg Greening.

The cabin crew were: Flight Service Director Claudio Zucconi, Purser Anita Mielewczyk, and Flight Attendants Maria Balon, Al Piattelli, Julia Emmerson, Maria Di Salvio, Monique Guerin, Anthony Di Buono, Nina Rossi, Maciejka Voss, and Rosemary Abraham.

See NetLetter #1327 for pictures submitted by Captain Thususka. 

tmb singapore 84Acting Foreman Oswald Vanloo, and Mechanic Larry Diotte at the Dorval Base Finishing Shop have been busy applying the Singapore '85 logo on company aircraft.

They recently put their paint brushes aside to draw one of the thousands of entries received in Horizons Bombay-Singapore Sweepstakes contest. The lucky winner of two Executive Class passes and $500 is Erika Herzig, a Toronto-based Flight Attendant.

T.C.A. Alumni meets.

A lively group of T.C.A. Alumni members gathered in St. Pete's Beach for the 13th annual meeting. The Breckenridge Hotel was the scene of the festivities.

Things got off to an early start with a breakfast hosted by the Alumni. A fashion show followed, presented by the Breckenridge Boutique and Social Convener Patti Gehlsen awarded 25 lucky members with door prizes.

Then it was time to take care of business matters. Dorothy Millman gave the Treasurer's report and elections were held for Alumni officers for the next two-year term.

Outgoing committee were: Frank and Dorothy Millman, Helen Moore, Jim and Patti, Gehlsen and Jim Flack.

The new committee includes: Jim Gehlsen, President; Malcolm MacDougall, Vice President; Sally MacDougall, Secretary-Treasurer; Patti Gehlsen, Social Convener and Helen Moore, Director.

A warm starlit evening was the perfect setting for the final banquet. Following the meal, several prizes were awarded and Baldy Torrell won the 50-50 draw.

The Alumni executive thanks all those who attended and looks forward to everyone's continued support.

Issue dated April 2011. (Used with permission)

In the aftermath of Japan’s largest serious earthquake, our Tokyo and Narita team worked tirelessly to look after our customers while facing significant obstacles in their daily lives.

We have several photos: Masayo Williams from YYC; Yukiko Nishi, Hisato Tsuchimori, Yakari Tajiri, Akihiko Takahashi, Joe Donato from YYZ; Miyuki Hashigami and Yuka Ito.

tmb japanese staff x550
tmb japanese staff 1Kelichi Suzuki, Akihisa Masuda, Tadashi Iwamoto, Michiya Koshita; seated Nana Yoshino and Kiyo Weiss. 
tmb japanese staff 2Takehito Kurihara, Mariko Takiyama and Jiro Sano.
tmb japanese staff 3Masako Yamamoto, Masayo Suzuki and Shoichiro Sasabuchi.

Issue dated May 2011. (Used with permission)

Behind the uniform

Air Canada Cargo’s men in blue play football for a great cause. Air Canada Cargo’s London England football team was the champion of an inaugural charity football (aka soccer) tournament held in Egham, U.K. on March 12.

The team participated to raise funds for "Help for Heroes", a foundation that raises money to support members of the armed forces who have been wounded in the service of their country. The team beat "Ashford Non Athletic" 5 -3 for first place!

tmb ac cargo soccerIn our photo from left to right: James Grant-Hunter, Manager Global Partnerships/Regional Sales; Joe Becket, Manager Cargo Service – U.K. & Ireland; Mitchell Carpenter, team mate; Tony Hadley, Warehouseman; Charlie Page, Warehouseman; Joe Hadley, Tony’s son; Henry Becket, Cabin Service Attendant.

ukacc emblemThe UKACC was founded by a number of senior Air Cargo Industry figures in 1962 and Dick Haynes of Lufthansa German Airlines, was voted to be the club’s first Chairman. A small committee under the leadership of Dick guided the club through its formative years and from a small membership in the early days, the club went from strength to strength and today is one the leading clubs of its type anywhere in the world. 

Although membership is on an individual basis, through its members, UKACC2000 has representation from most major airlines, forwarders and other industry related companies.

Below we have photo of the teams which took part during 2012 and 2013, sadly no identifications.

tmb ukacc lhr cargo 2012 tmb ukacc lhr cargo 2013

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