Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Alan Beardmore has this information -

Flight 26 August 26, 1955.

TCA's red and silver Viscounts have become familiar as the changing Canadian airline scene.

This aircraft, the fifth to enter service, was photographed at Lakehead airport, Lake Superior which serves Fort William and Port Arthur.

(Source: Facebook.com)

(CF-TGM fin 605 c/n 50 delivered March 30, 1955 sold to Air Inter March 3, 1964 re-registered F-BMCH written off October 27, 1972 Mt. Pic Du Picon. - eds)

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horizons logoAn extract from the "Horizons" magazine.

Issue dated November 1984.

Halifax retirement seminar.

A total of 36 employees and spouses from nine of the ten stations in Atlantic Canada turned out for a two-day preretirement seminar held at the Nova Scotian Hotel in Halifax.

Participants in the Halifax seminar are shown, back row, from the left: Dick and Mary Gormley, Fredericton; Adolphe Cormier, Stephenville; Neta and Alfred Grono, Joyce and Arnold Burris, and Jim Turner, all of Halifax; Everett Kenny, Gander; Ford Himmelman and Hedley Smith, Halifax; Stu Day, Yarmouth; Eldon Richardson, Saint John; Evelyn and Vic Ward, Moncton; Shirley and Irv Mackie, Halifax.

Middle row, from the left, are: Virginia Dowling, Sydney; Shirley Lugrin, Saint John; Adrianne and George Landry, Moncton; Ray and Edith Head, Gander; Brenda Himmelman, Shirley Smith, Christina Kenny, Theresa and Bob Anderson, all of Saint John; Gerald and Pat Keily, Gander; Bride and Ron Thomey, Gander.

Front row, from the left, are: Carl and Kathleen Nelson, Maxine and Ed Sheppard, Halifax.

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Issue dated January 1985.

Bombay and Singapore cargo staff meet.

Sales and cargo agents from Bombay had an opportunity to meet their counterparts in Singapore on a recent visit.

While there, sales staff attended sessions in reservations and ticketing procedures and cargo employees underwent intensive training on the acceptance and handling of dangerous cargo.

tmb bombay and singapore staffAdmiring the view from the 11th storey terrace of the Air Canada sales office in the Singapore Airlines building are, from the left: Cargo Officers Godfrey DSouza and Peter Rhubottom; Janki Mehta, Senior Customer Service Officer; Customer Service Officers Sheila Fernandes, Smiti Haldipur, Aruna DSouza, Vibha Bawa and Denis Crasto, Cargo Officer.

Transfer by Cessna.

There are times when airline operations are far from routine, and improvisation is called for, often at a moment's notice.

Such was the case when our flight crew in Zurich were needed to work the Paris-Zurich portion of Flight 870. As no convenient scheduled flight was available, a Cessna 401 was chartered to get them to their plane on time.

In Paris the crew posed for a photo in front of the Cessna and the Zurich-bound B -747.

Shown from the left are: the pilot of the Cessna; Captain Moe Labine; First Officer Ron Hudson; Second Officer Ron Tretsell; Flight Attendant Ingrid Bobzin; Purser George Brabant; Flight Attendant Elizabeth Mclaughlin and Flight Service Director Andre Claude

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The moment everyone was waiting for - Santa and his elves arrive in Toronto.

To welcome Santa and the elves were, from the left: Suzanne Trumpour, Tina Farrugia, Gail Downard, Jane Stoddard, Tony Waterfall (the bearded fellow), Angela Diedrick, Chris Dale, Dawn Moreau and Linda Haywood.

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 "Our people make our personality" was the theme of a 1984 campaign launched at St. John's.

The three-month program, prepared by Bob Osadchy, Manager, Newfoundland, and Bob Horsman, Passenger and Reservations Sales Manager, St. John's, was aimed at reminding the Newfoundland travelling public of the professionalism and experience of Air Canada employees.

The ads featured six photos of employees working at different jobs, and highlighted their combined length of service with the company. "Over 42 years in Newfoundland, our people have built a reputation for getting you where you want to go".

"We're proud of our reputation and we're proud of each other" the ad copy emphasized. The six airport employees in the photo share a total of 83 years of company experience.

They are, from the left: Charlie Fowler, Passenger Agent; Jed Long, Station Attendant; Janice Brien, Passenger Agent; Bob Halliday, Customer Service Supervisor; Bill Thorne, Station Attendant and Bill Hand, Customer Service Supervisor.

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