Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Part two: The early days, a Canadian review in 1946. started in NetLetter #1414.

The new services which did go into effect, however, are considered to have enhanced the airline's usefulness, and did much to stimulate social and commercial intercourse between Canada and the United States.

At Vancouver, the company acquired the large Boeing overhaul hangar, and began the establishment of a major maintenance base to serve not only the trans-continental but also the trans-Pacific routes.

At Montreal, T.C.A. continued to maintain the Liberator aircraft used by B.O.A.C. on the North Atlantic ferry service. Several V.H.F. radio stations have been installed which, it is hoped, will give improved air-to-ground communication. Certain instrument landing equipment has also been sited.

Dakota aircraft are now used on a large section of the trans- continental routes. These are slowly taking the place of the ten-and fourteen-seater Lockheed’s which are at present in service. T.C.A. are placing a lot of faith in the new DC-4 fitted with Merlin engines. The prototype, the North Star, was test-flown in July, and made a flight across the continent in September, when it gave every indication of being a fast and efficient transport. The first production model was delivered in November and is at present being used for aircrew training. It is hoped that these aircraft will go into service on the trans-continental and trans-Atlantic routes in the new year, and eventually on services to the West Indies and Australia.

During December the thousandth crossing of the Atlantic was made. This service was greatly accelerated during the year, when the frequency was increased from three a week to one flight every day. The route was extended to London, although Prestwick remained the airline's servicing base in the United Kingdom. Within a few weeks it is hoped to be flying regular schedules to Bermuda and between Halifax and Boston, and in the not too far distant future surveys will be made of the trans-Pacific routes.

(Source: Flightglobal.com 1947 - 0048)

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