Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

NetLetter proofreader, Ken Pickford, sends in some facts regarding Vancouver International Airport:

October 25, 1968 date was the "official" opening with ribbon cutting, speeches etc. The new terminal actually opened for passenger service about six weeks earlier on September 10, 1968. Scroll down to September 10 in Vancouver history timeline site: www.vancouverhistory.ca/chronology1968.htm
Also note the September 11 item in above, re Japan Air Lines inaugurating service to YVR the day after the new terminal opened. JAL only the second non-US international carrier to serve YVR (after Qantas and their predecessor British Commonwealth Pacific Airlines). United Airlines and Western Airlines were then the only other foreign carriers serving YVR and Western had only started service in 1967. Western was acquired by Delta in 1987.
Some good early photos here, www.evelazarus.com/yvr-fifty-years-ago, of the new terminal as it looked in 1968. (Note the 3rd photo credits the NetLetter; coincidentally, re the JAL reference above, that photo includes a JAL DC-8.)
In first photo note the lonely AC Viscount in foreground and two Canadian Pacific DC-8s at the pier in the distance, still in the original "goose" livery before the switch to the "CP Air" branding and the orange livery which also began in 1968. The Viscount of course couldn't use the loading bridges so it's parked parallel to the terminal finger with boarding via stairs. The northerly finger, used by CP, was the only one with an underground tunnel leading to customs and immigration, so all international flights had to use those gates for arrivals.
Regarding the 4 bridges connecting the rest of Richmond to Sea Island where the airport is (and of course also part of Richmond).
  1. The original Moray Bridge, now eastbound only.
  2. The "Sea Island Connector" just north of the Moray bridge that opened in 2002 carrying westbound traffic to Sea Island.
  3. The "Dinsmore Bridge" well to the south that opened in 1969.
  4. The "No. 2 Road Bridge" a little further south that opened 1993.

Doug Keller sent in this link to this very good quality video of vintage aircraft:

'I discovered this video on YouTube today. Lots of vintage airliners that seem to be mostly TCA/Air Canada and CPA. Also a short clip starting a 4:18 of Wardair’s 727 which Wayne wrote about in the #1370 Netletter.'


Doug Keller

tmb vintage aircraft

In "Odds and Ends" section of NetLetter #1403 was an article regarding the planned C-47 flying to Normandy in France during 2019 to celebrate 75 years D-Day anniversary.

Roger Slauenwhite sends this information:

If you go to website thatsallbrother.org/ you will find much info on this historical effort concerning the great C-47/DC-3. TCA sure operated many DC-3's. I've flown on them, and they are still flying today.

Roger Slauenwhite


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