Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

1984 - June 16 - Direct flight between Victoria and Toronto commenced.

tmb enroute apr 2012Here is the cover of the enRoute magazine issue April 2012.

Climb every mountain: The view from Rotenboden, Zermatt, on the way to the Mont-Rosa-Hutte.

Photo by Lorne Bridgman.

(Source: enroute.aircanada.com/en/magazine/past-issues

tmb navi 09 winter 550wAir Canada NAVI magazine series was launched in March 2017. On the left, we have the issue for the Winter of 2017 cover page.

Below is a photo of the crew.

Louis Stoyanoff, Robert Mans, Richard Weltham, Scott Hannon, Abdull Hraiche, Robert Penyk, Feroze Anis, Arin Goswami, Court Edeburn, Daniela Provato, Dean Stoddart, Magdalene Kuzevc, Michael Tomasevic, Jennifer Young, Brian Murray, Mark Storoschuck and Muna Bahumaid.

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horizons logoFrom the "Horizons" magazine.
Issue dated May 2006. (Used with permission)

RESIII being replaced by Athena

To better the requirements of Air Canada's new business model and to support its strategy to provide value and simplicity to its customers, a company-wide initiative has been launched to replace our current RES Ill system.

Labelled 'Athena' for the goddess of ingenuity and creativity, this project will involve building a completely new system based on practical solutions to simplify the process.

On March 22, 2006, NASA fired three Micro-satellites into space over the Pacific Ocean.

Nothing strange in that, but the satellites were carried and dropped by a Lockheed L-1011 jet at 39,000 feet.

So what? Well, it turns out that the aircraft was formally from the Air Canada fleet, none other than CF-TNJ fin #510 c/n 1067, having started its career on March 18, 1974.

In 1990, the company parked the aircraft in Marana, Arizona. In May 1992, Orbital Sciences obtained the aircraft and pulled it out of storage in May 1992 and named it "Stargazer".

For more see Wayne's Wings article from NL #1377

  stargazer aircraft

 Issue dated November 2010

Michael Tremblay, Director Call Centre/Customer Relations visited the Winnipeg Call Centre in the Fall of 2010 to celebrate 325 years of Air Canada service.

Below, left to right: Danilla Brunel, Michael Tremblay. Bruce Hambleton, Diane Schille, Carmen Stoyko, Margot MacDonald, Doris Gudz, Cade Coghill. Nora Ann Berry, Don Boulet and Sheila Wall, all Customer Sales and Service Agents who celebrated 25 years with Air Canada in the second half of 2010. 

Someone had to answer the phones, so missing from the photo are Charlene Howe, Darryl Draeger and Helen Shumada; Customer Sales & Service Agents who also celebrated 25 years of service.

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Issue dated May 1984.

A new chapter of the Pionairs was recently established in London, Ontario. 

Bruce Wrigley, a former Passenger Sales Representative from Toronto, greeted the 46 retirees at a luncheon held in a quaint local restaurant. Included in the group were Nancy Walchuck, president of the 'Pionairs' and her husband Merv.

Nancy outlined some of the activities of the 'Pionairs' highlighting the upcoming annual meeting in Anaheim.

Pat Tapson, Manager, London, Ontario, was unable to attend but Tony Mcleod, Customer Service Manager was on hand to extend a hearty welcome. He encouraged all 'Pionairs' to join the very active local Air Canada Recreation Association and invited them to participate in the Hackers' Golf Tournament and Bar-B-Q planned for August 9, 1984.

Issue dated June 1984

The seventh Annual General Meeting of the Pionairs was held at Anaheim, California held May 10-12, 1984.

Close to 500 members and guests were in attendance, welcomed by President Nancy Walchuk. Current executive was Donald McFarlane, Secretary; Kay Napolitano, Treasurer; Norm Donnelly, 2nd VP; Gord Smith, 1st VP and George Fox, Immediate Past President. Also present were two of the founding members, Martin Betts and Emily Coxon.

Some changes in the directorship of the various Pionair districts were announced. Don Jarvis resigned in Calgary and replaced by Gord Sanders. In Winnipeg, Beth Ferguson resigned and was replaced by Mike Lewicki.

In attendance was Bruce Wrigley, the new director at London, Ontario, Evelyn Desjardins, Montreal; Bob Jeffs, Toronto; Tony Bruneau, Halifax. Unable to attend were Mary Young, Ottawa; Doug Armitage, Vancouver; Roger Alain, Florida and Tony Butler, Victoria.

At the conclusion of the meeting, it was unanimously agreed that the 8th AGM will again be held in Anaheim.

ACRA gets down to business.

Presidents of their representatives of the Air Canada Recreation Association gathered in Montreal to discuss a number of employee activities with Harold Miloff, Director Employee Affairs and Services, Gail Ellis, Employee Services Coordinator, and Jim Whitelaw, Senior V.P. Human Resources. They took time off from their meetings to talk and be photographed with then-President Claude l. Taylor. 

In our photo shown back row from the left are: Jim Miller, Toronto; Robin Parsons, London; England; Bernice Zasada, Winnipeg: Diane Drury, Montreal; Gary Hughes, Thunder Bay; Claude Taylor; Cory Smith, Los Angeles; Bernie Curwin, Moncton; Bob Bateman, Saskatoon; Bernie Allandyce, Vancouver and Neil Stephenson, Regina.

Front row, from the left. are Johnny Gaudreau, Sept Iles: Herb Metzler, Frankfurt; Pauline Guest, Edmonton; Rhonda Manore, London, Ontario; Duncan Butchart, Calgary; Winston MacDonald, Sydney and Mary Haines, Halifax.

Missing from the photograph are: Joe Hancock, San Francisco; Randy McNiven, St. John's; Wilfred Hackey, Quebec City; Jim Batten, Ottawa and Glenna Hayes, Saint John. 

  tmb acra meeting x550w

tmb old friends meetSome members of the staff of U.S. and Southern Region office when it was still located on Los Angeles, got together in New York.

From the left are Ron Vigars, Regional Aircraft Safety and Services Manager, Pat Labrie, Vice President, U.S. and Southern Region; Betty Kamecker, Executive Secretary; Ralph Goodmurphy, Regional Financial Manager and Bert Chapman, General Manager, South.

The regional offices relocated to New York in 1975.

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