Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

The Results Are In: Girls in Aviation Day 2018 a Huge Success

On October 13, 2018, 105 chapters and corporate members held 99 separate Girls in Aviation Day events including nine international chapters, 25 corporate member events, and 23 collegiate chapters. International events were held in 15 countries including Australia, Botswana, Canada, England, France, Germany, Ghana, India, Ireland, Kenya, Netherlands, Nigeria, Spain, United States, and Zambia.

Drawing from the local communities including Girl Scouts, church groups, and outreach to schools, WAI estimates that more than 15,000 girls participated in Girls in Aviation Day 2018.

(Source: wai.org)

Airwomen from 17 Wing inspire at Girls in Aviation Day.

Once a year, Royal Canadian Air Force women from 17 Wing Winnipeg, Manitoba, are superheroes for a day. Once a year, they show young girls that anything is possible. Once a year, they inspire the next generation of women during the Winnipeg Girls in Aviation Day.

The 2018 sold-out event was held on October 13 at Winnipeg’s Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada. There, 150 girls learned about aviation and aerospace careers and had the chance to meet successful female role models.

The girls, aged 8 to 17, heard inspiring female speakers such as the Honourable Rochelle Squires, Minister of Sustainable Development and Minister responsible for the status of women. Kendra Kincade, an air traffic controller, gave a presentation; she is the founder of Elevate Aviation, a non-profit organization that helps women across Canada find economic security within the aviation industry.

(Source: rcaf-arc.forces.gc.ca)

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