Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

The Bristol Britannia incident.

Ted Tierney sent us this story in 2001. This is an event of 40 odd years ago. 

"It's Ted here with an incident relating to the Bristol Britannia airplane, not a pleasant or complimentary episode concerning that aircraft but rather about a human failing, with no slight intended towards the individual involved. My own failings come to mind more easily. So with that out of the way it all happened like this."

pdf download50x47Click the icon at left for Ted Tierney's story.

Extracted from the "CPA - Newsletter" magazine issue dated May 1967.

tmb cpa go go europe"GO-GO TO EUROPE" was a swinging success at Toronto's Royal York Hotel for over 800 travel agents, journalists and airline reps.

Participating are from the left: Linda Thwaites, P.R. department; Phylis Morita, reservations; DSM Gene Goff; Pina Sperduli, reservations and Yvonne Mithrush, District sales office.

tmb tokyo employeesThe EXPO '67 opening in Montreal on April 28th was marked by Tokyo employees with a window display and placard.

 Japan is especially interested in Canada's world exhibition because the next one was being held in Osaka and named EXPO '70.

In this photo from the left are: Passenger agents Teruo Yamida, Kasatuka Nagato, stewardess Kazuko Togashi and passenger agent Yoshimasa Matsumoto.

The first of four sales management development seminars was held in April in Vancouver to enhance management skills of senior sales personnel.

tmb cpa sales seminarIn this photo, from the left, we have: Gene Guff, Toronto; Grant Williams, manager Southwest U.S; H. B. O'Toole, marketing program mgr; Bob Godfrey, sales manager, Fiji; Fred Duncan, Maritime DSM; Bill Gordon, director of field sales; Jim McKerrow, DSM, Hamburg; Luis Andrade, DSM, Spain; Ken Wood, DSM, Winnipeg; Jim Mutch, city sales manager, Victoria; Ron McWilliams, manager market research; Bill Stean, asst. DSM, Vancouver; Ed Ogden, regional sales manager, Asia, Pacific; Ralph Woodman, manager Southeast Asia; Frank Holland, (behind), general sales manager; Eric Birdsall, manager, Australia; G. Inserra, DSM, Italy; Roy Pellant, administrator, management development; Reg Paull, manager sales and traffic training; Raul Hudson, sales manager, Chile.

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