Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Norman Hogwood in New Zealand sends this information about Rob Fyfe who was recently appointed to the Board of Air Canada –
(refer NetLetter nr 1276)

Rob Fyfe was holding a senior position in Air New Zealand during the last few months of his employment before he retired in 2002. He was then appointed CEO and proceeded to clean out the top management fuddy-duddies lock, stock and barrel. He was immensely popular and worked with staff in many areas, including one of the aircraft cleaning gangs for a couple of days.

His “supervisor” was a Maori lady and one day he was set on toilet cleaning duties. When he had finished one aircraft he knew his team was having a break he headed to the rest room only to be told he was too late and to get back on the ramp to their next aircraft. When he complained he was told he was “too bloody slow” and to get back to work! As Neroli said, he created an amazing culture which persists today. I’m just sorry I didn’t experience it first-hand.

After reading the article in NetLetter nr 1375, Dave Shore sends this -

Another attraction at Frankfurt Airport is the observation deck, sometimes called the viewing terrace. It’s listed as an attraction on the TripAdvisor website. It even has deck chairs.

Dave Shore

Jim Barber is looking for some help here -

I am an Air Canada retiree and I am trying to put together a picture album of planes I flew during my career. In the 1977-1981 time span I flew Air Canada DC-9's, 727's, 747's and L-1011's. I know they were being repainted (or Air Canada was taking delivery of some of these new from their manufacturers) from the black capital lettering titles to red capital lettering titles. I need to know for accuracy of my 'little-now-almost too challenging project"!!

Does anyone know in what month/year all of the above aircraft took to the skies commercially sporting / wearing the new red capital lettering?

Thank You,

Jim Barber, Weston, Ontario. Canada
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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