Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Terry Baker

In view of the recently reported denied boarding by United Airlines of some of their staff wearing inappropriate dress not in accordance with their dress code policy, now may be the time to review the Air Canada dress code for pass travelers.

Travelling with Passes - Dress Code Policy Air Canada's dress code is designed to respect and reflect our brand image, while allowing our employees the flexibility to travel comfortably.
The dress code applies to any person traveling under the Air Canada travel privilege programs. Check the complete information on ETS under News & Policies.

For some R & R, Terry of our NetLetter gang, had a visit to Honolulu. Two years since we were there. The progress through the YVR security for visiting the US is still challenging, especially as it was different from our last visit. After going through the security bit, same as usual, keep calm and be patient.

Then on to the next phase which is a bank of individual machines which have the instructions on the screen. Place the photo and detail page of your passport, face down into the slot, left hand side. Then you are invited to stare into the screen for a photo op. This is like taking a selfie.

You may have to move yourself to make sure the profile is central - more or less - then take your photo which will be printed and be available from a slot. This document is to be presented to the immigration officer, when you finally get to present yourself. The person ahead of us had a nice photo of the lower jaw and throat. Two young Asian ladies were giggling so much, we doubt that their photo would ever match their passport.

The flight in economy was not very memorable, mainly because the dictionary does not have words to describe the experience. No doubt the next issue of the Oxford dictionary will be expanded accordingly. Public transport from the airport to Waikiki is the #19 or #20 bus. Limited space for luggage however. On all public buses adult $2.50, seniors with the pass $1.00 and if the pass has been validated for the current month - free.

We had a pleasant time in the sunshine. We used our bus pass during our last visit, and so we had to get a strip pasted on to cover February at $5.00, however they finished selling the February strip the day prior to our visit, and you can't use the March one until March. When we asked the clerk how we can travel, we were told to show your pass to the driver and place a dollar in the slot, or we could hold up the pass and hope the driver is short-sighted and colour blind.

Fortunately the colour of the strip is the same for 2015 as 2017, so we had no problem! On our return trip, going through security at HNL, when the clerk checked our passports, she told us not to remove our shoes as we were octogenarians +, probably figured we would topple over as we did not notice any chairs around.

As during our previous departure from HNL, the gate staff advised us that the flight was full and as space for carryon luggage was limited, they invited anyone with carry-on that they would like to check, at no charge, please make yourself known.

The difference in capacity between Air Canada and Rouge for the 767-300 is 24/187 and 24/258 respectively, no wonder there is limited space in the cabin on rouge. Our traveling couple had already checked their carryon - at $25 per - as they would be unable to heave the luggage into the overhead bin. They were a tad miffed at having to pay when they could have offered their bags for free at the gate.

But the new angle in checking your luggage is that it is tagged to your destination for them, bypassing the customs. So the smart traveller would take advantage of the free offer, and have the luggage sent to the destination even if there is a connection involved.

While waiting for our flight home at a gate in YVR, we heard an announcement for another departure telling us that due to restricted space for carry-on they could be checked free of charge. In fact the announcement mentioned "Carry-on or oversize carry-on", how the blue blazes can an "oversize carry-on" get past the check-in desk, surely the bag had to fit into the metal template?

Anyway, onto the aircraft and locate your assigned seat, in the hopes that there is room in the overhead bin.

Parking at YCD (Nanaimo, B.C.)  is $11.00 per day for 7 days then $6.00 per day thereafter. Check with security and show your AC identification card and get parking at $30.00 per month from date of issue.

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