Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

1959 jul 1359

Nordair timetable effective July 1959 (left). From the collection of Bjorn Larsson.

From our archives

  • 1981-January 1st - DC-9 service between Ottawa and Mirabel suspended, with First Air taking over with HS748 equipment.
  • 1987- April  26th - Re-introduction of Toronto - Vienna service.
  • 2004 - August- 1st - Beginning of  non-stop flights from Toronto to Hong Kong using the new A340-500 long-range aircraft. 

Montie Brewer, a former President of Air Canada, is one among a group of investors for the Argentinian start up LLC airline Flybondi.

(Source Vancouver Sun December 27th, 2016)

Archived Issues missing: We have trolled through all scanned 364 issues of “Between Ourselves” and extracted various photos and articles for the NetLetters, with the exception of the following issues which we are missing; 002, 198 – 205, 213, 245, 246, 247 and 331.

(If anyone has a copy we would be glad to scan them and return them. – eds)

Found in "Between Ourselves" magazine issue January 1945.

When Sydney decided to form their own T.C.A.R.A., they thought the title of “Trans-Canada Air Lines Recreation Association” rather cumbersome and suggested "Wings Club", but they finally fell into line with T.C.A.R.A.

Found in the "Horizons" magazine issue dated December 1980.

tmb hong kong staffReserVec II introduced to Tokyo, Hong Kong and Sydney, Australia October 1980

Our photo is of the Hong Kong office staff. Standing from the left are: Ted Nichol, Anita Leung and Franky Leung. Seated is Rebecca Fung.

November 1st 1980 was an historic day for the Tokyo staff.

tmb japanese staffMarking the 20th anniversary of the opening of the Japanese office, employees from Tokyo and Osaka joined with representatives of the company's agent "Nissin Transportation & Warehousing Co. Ltd" at a reception and dinner.

Shown during the celebration are, back row from left: K. Memoto, Passenger Sales Manager; H. Tanaka, Sales Rep; S. Ishibashi of Nissin;  M. Nakagawa, Sales Rep; K. Yamaguchi, Cargo Sales & Service Manager; T. Tsutsui of Nissin; T. Tamada, Sales Rep; Al Knapp, Manager, Japan & Korea; Y. Kisu, S. Osaki, T. Shimazaki, S. Watanabe and M. Tamaki all of Nissin.

Front row from left: T. Takeda, General Clerk; K. Sato and S. Konno of Nissin; R. Sonoyama, Sales Agent; S. Honma, Clerk-Stenographer;  M. Nagata, Secretary and S. Yoshida, Sales Agent.

tmb yul e m dorval baseHere we have this photo of the Engineering and Maintenance at Dorval during the sixties.

Came across this in the “New Horizons” magazine issued July 2004. (Used with permission)

tmb 727 cargo freighterAir Canada Cargo has operated its first freighter service in more than 10 years – A B727 that left Halifax recently with 12 pallets of freight on board.

With a capacity of 20 thousand kilos and 12 pallet positions the B727 freighter is a significant addition to the capacity into and out of Halifax. Its main selling feature, aside from the larger pallet profile, is a three-hour connection time to Asia out of Toronto.

(In this photo there were no employee identifications - anyone? - eds.)

tmb tory party charterThe Conservative Party charter took to the skies with Stephen Harper and his party for a five-week election campaign, zigzagging from coast to coast, during the 14- to 16-hour days in 2004.

In our photo, Joe Chiarotto (back, far right) with the Conservative Party of Canada charter crew.

Front row, from left: Fred Gaspar, Government Relations Manager; and CBC crew. Back row, from left: Renée Smith-Valade, Director Corporate Affairs & Government Relations;  a CTV reporter; In-Charge Flight Attendant Claude St-Jean; First Officer Glennis Walsh; Flight Attendants Brigitte Lavoie, Myriam Forest and Nathalie Viens.

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