Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

John Shea sent us this YouTube link hoping to bring back memories of the interior of a Super Constellation, sadly not a TCA version, but the memories may be triggered.

One of the best airliners ever built, and also one of the most comfortable to fly in. If you never had the pleasure, here's a "walk through" of one of TWA's L-1049G Super Constellations.

Betty Draper has dug up some more of TCA's early existence and sends this cutting from The Leader-Post dated March 28th.1938.

tmb link trainerOne of the most ingenious methods of pilot training in the history of aviation has been installed by Trans-Canada Air Lines, at Winnipeg, for the training of their pilot personnel. It is the "Link Trainer" and resembles a miniature plane, but contains all the dials and gadgets necessary to get the pilot's fullest reaction to instrument and beam flying. Every pilot in the service will undergo periodical and regular sessions in the Link Trainer.

Picture No. 1 shows the Link Trainer and the hood which folds down over the pilot's head. No.2 shows the pilot seated at the controls with his head phone ready to catch the radio beam signals. No. 3 shows the operator watching the mechanical "crab' which faithfully records on a chart every movement the pilot makes in his "trip" over any specified territory. Through the telephone the instructor can check quickly with the pilot. In the centre is the Trans Canada Air Lines "Flying Maple Leaf" which appears on the nose of all company machines.

(We would reproduce the article, but the photos are of poor quality - eds)

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