Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Terry Kerr has sent us this information -

NL #1349 - Photo, Place Jacques Cartier - I'm pretty sure the gentleman, 5th from left kneeling front row, blond hair with right hand on bottle is Ian Buchanan. I worked with him for a few years at Dorval.

Terry Kerr - Vancouver BC

Nancy Greene, from Dartmouth, N.S. was involved with the TCA Alumini in the past, and has sent us a copy of the letter sent to members inviting them to the 25th reunion held at the Tradewinds Resort, in St. Pete Beach in Florida on November 25 - 29th, 1996. Also Nancy included a letter sent to Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, and his response.

Here is a transcript of the invitation –

"This is our 25th reunion. Some of you have been with us since the beginning. Others are joining us for the first time. "Ciad Mile Failte'' (100,000 welcomes) to each of you.

Because this is our 25th, we would like to have an extra special celebration. At our business meeting last year, 97% of the attendees approved a $5.00 (one time) charge to ensure an "extra special'' good time.

The luncheon cruise is again being offered. The cruise will be on the M V Lady Anderson. A minimum of 25 people need to apply. If less, the cruise will be cancelled and money refunded.

By popular request, we are also offering a Casino cruise on the Majestic Empress. The cost of $15.00 includes gourmet buffet, casino, live music, dancing, games, etc. as well as transportation to and from Tradewinds (minimum 15 people need apply).

Due to the fluctuation of the Canadian/US dollar, we request that all reunion payments be in US funds, with the exception of the $8.00 membership fee.

Appeal for new members: There are many recently retired fellow employees who now qualify for membership in the TCA Alumini. Should you know of anyone who qualities for membership, please let us know so that we can contact them, or have them contact us directly.

Also, at the general meeting, it was voted to allow members to bring friends with them to the reunion. This will be left to you own discretion. There will be a $3.00 guest charge per person. They are welcome to attend all functions at the same cost as embers with the exception of the breakfast which is free for members only. If, however, they wish to attend, there will be an additional charge of US$6.00 p.p.

Your executive:
President: Courtney Greene
Secretary/Treasurer: Nancy Greene
Vice President: Morley Ryder
Social Director: Mary Ryder
Past President: Frank Gormley

Plan now to attend. Come on down and enjoy these few days in the Florida sun and renew old friendships with members of the TCA Family.

Courtney Greene, President"

Following is a transcipt of the letter from Prime Minister Jean Chrétien

It is with great pleasure that I extend my warmest greetings to everyone attending the 25th reunion of TCA Alumni, taking place in Florida.

This gathering will provide you with the ideal forum in which to exchange views and discuss issues of mutual concern with fellow members. You will also have the opportunity to review past achievements and set new objectives for the future. I am sure that you will find your participation in this reunion both enjoyable and rewarding. Please accept my best wishes for a memorable session of activities.

Ottawa, 1996

(If anyone has any photos from their alumini days to share with us, please do so - eds)

tmb alumini 1996The photo includes four ex-Alumini presidents. Here are the names as remembered by Nancy -
Frank Gormley, Jean Gheslin, ?, Courtney Greene and Claude Taylor.  

(Can anyone can supply the missing names? - eds)

Jack Morath has sent us this photo to go with the article on the car rally in London town which appeared in NetLetter NL # 1349. 

tmb car rally lhrThis photo was taken by the Peggy Bedford Pub - which I am sure you will remember!

Peter Baldry and I organised this event. The names of the people there are as follows from left to right:- Stan Rogers (Asst Stn Mngr AC.) Brian Davies, John Croxford, Peter Beasant, myself (Jack Morath), Frank Knight. On the right side of the car John Glew at the front and Peter Baldry behind him.

 Michael Stambois sent in these comments -

I've been intending to thank you guys for this excellent NetLetter for sometime now. I know it requires a lot of planning for each issue. It really is a first rate production - thanks.

Regarding this issue I have a couple of comments.

(1) I may need correcting but I think that Nordair Ltd. was the first Canadian airline to operate the Boeing 737-200 series and this was out of Dorval. I think the delivery date was 28th October, 1968.

(2) BOAC also operated Canadair 'North Stars'. However BOAC called them Argonauts. When the late King George Vl died and the then Princess Elizabeth returned from Kenya to England as Queen Elizabeth 2, the now Queen flew into LHR Airport and is seen alighting from a BOAC Argonaut.

Have fun confirming the two comments above and let me know if I am correct or not.

I'll have to dig into my 'old' 35mm slides of aircraft and see what I can find of TCA and Nordair Ltd. Surely I'm not be the only one-time TCA, Nordair and Air Canada employee who receives your NetLetter?

Mike Stambois.

Our response to Michael -

(1) We checked Planespotters.net which shows CF-CBP as being the first B737 delivered to CP Air on October 21, 1968. Nordair took delivery of CF-NAB on October 28, 1968. Can anyone confirm which aircraft actually saw service carrying passengers first? (Note: CF-NAB was merged into the CP Air fleet on January 2, 1987).

(2) Regarding the BOAC Argonaut, Ken Pickford advises of a couple of YouTude videos that confirm Mike's statement.

Click Here for newsreel footage of that aircraft, with King  George VI seeing off Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip on their trip to Kenya.

Click Here for the same aircraft that brought her home as Queen a few days later after her father's death.

Many people probably aren't aware that her last trip as Princess and first trip as Queen were both on a Canadian-built aircraft.


Ken Pickford sent in some additional info on the North Star/Canadair Four/Argonaut -

I've always found the North Star a very interesting aircraft with its mix of US DC-4/C-54 origins with some early DC-6 features, plus the loud (but reliable) Rolls-Royce Merlin engines of WWII fame on the Lancaster bomber and many other types, but built in Canada. I'm sure many TCA oldtimers will enjoy reading your article. I could have made my input longer but decided to keep it brief! Re CP using the "Canadair Four" name, as you're probably aware the only other original airline customer was BOAC which used the name "Argonaut".

Like TCA, the RCAF used the North Star name for their unpressurized military transport version. Also, as you're likely aware, TCA "borrowed" 6 of the early RCAF aircraft before they were delivered to the RCAF. Canadair equipped them with a passenger interior. They were used as a stopgap by TCA for a year or slightly longer while waiting for their own pressurized North Stars to arrive. So in fact TCA actually operated a total of 29 North Stars if you include those 6 borrowed RCAF aircraft. They're easy to identify in photos since they have the round windows of the Douglas C-54 military transport (and DC-4 passenger version), while the pressurized passenger models of the North Star used the same rectangular windows as the Douglas DC-6. The North Star also used a few other DC-6 features.

Unfortunately I never had the chance to fly on a North Star, although I did manage to make it onto about 4 TCA Super Connies at about age 10 to 12, all between Edmonton (where I grew up) and Vancouver. My very first flight was on a TCA Viscount from Edmonton to Calgary soon after the Viscount went into service on that route. I'm guessing that flight was in 1955. I still remember it quite clearly.



David Shore advises-

tmb yvr cornwallisThere is a nice (and big) picture of the "Cornwallis" opposite the domestic check in counters at YVR.

(Found it - Wayne)

tmb north star adTerry found this great picture of a billboard advertising "North Star" service to Europe. Look familiar to anyone?

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